Setting up a friend with my girlfriend’s coworker [GROUP]

Shortly after college I moved into a two bedroom apartment with one of my old buddies, Kyle, in an American city. I moved close to where my girlfriend, Charlotte, had lived for about a year so I was excited to live close to her again. I had a nicer apartment than she did so we spent most of our time hanging out here. Sometimes Kyle would join us but most of the time he would be off doing his own thing or be in his room.

Kyle had gotten out of a long-term relationship about a year ago and had been pretty bummed about it ever since. He had a few hookups during the year but they didn’t amount to much else and he wasn’t feeling good about them. Charlotte suggested we set him up with one of the girls from her work. She suggested her friend Chrystal, someone that I had met only a few times. She was short, cute, and definitely attractive. I agreed and we started planning the night to do it.