My [f]irst week at uni. Some [ff] and mild [fm]

*So some background. I’m Gia, a 32 year old happily married woman. I’m about 5’5″, pale skin, naturally red hair. My wife (yay for gay marriage!) knows all about my past but lots of it falls well outside of her limits, much less her turn ons. With this in mind she suggested I use reddit to indulge my kinky side. I’ve decided to start a fresh account for this, largely so I don’t rush through typing it out (24 hours until you’re allowed to post) as I tend to do without any constraints.

Some of the stories will certainly not appeal to a wide audience but I’m putting them here for my own sake not yours, apologies in advance. Some of the stuff I’ve done is by my own admission, pretty fucking out there. But we’ll get there. As for today’s tale, it’s a little more traditional.*

My sexual experiences heading into uni were few and lacklustre. 3 boyfriends, 2 boys fucked, 0 orgasms provided. To say I was ready to go would have been somewhat of an understatement. The week I moved in to my house for the year (I didn’t get into dorms) was a challenging one. I’m not usually great at the whole being around functioning humans thing so forced interaction with a bunch of new people who by the way, I now have to live with, was my idea of hell.