Alien Experience Pt. 1 [F] Scifi Consensual Abduction

I woke up delirious. I wanted so desperately to panic but my body was unresponsive to the cries of “what the actual fuck?!” echoing in my mind. My limbs & waist were strapped. I felt suspended midair & could tell I was facing downward. I struggled to unblur my vision & slowly a curved frame of earth from space came into focus.

Maybe someone was pranking me. Was I sedated & floating above a giant movie screen? Who would or could pull that kind of move? My mind was reaching for any explaination when the framework holding my body began to slowly spin me into a directly upside down position.

A creature levitating in front of my face set a device down to hover in the air beside it & began typing with several of its 20 or so “fingers”. While it was at its task I took a curious look at its unbelievable body. It was expensively broad, twice taller than me with more limbs than I could see or count from this position. It had something like an arm connecting a broad fin to the fingers which were at least a foot long. No two were shaped exactly the same & the ones he used to interact with the device seemed like the smallest & grew from the furthest edge of the fin.

Sci-fi, Bizarre, Zombies, My First Story

For all my mind, I cant imagine a worse situation to exist in than this prison. I have nothing to bargain with now but the memories of things so valuable that their passing thought overwhelmes the senses, though I would trade those one by one for passage in inches towards what I know to be certain death.

I have been observing & charting relentlessly the actions of those that did something similar to “survive” though this version of survival appears more carnal than even the most vicious predator.

It was months before the bodies began to reanimate. Those whose signatures had maintained through the planetary tidal wave of death, those with an incredible immunity that comforted my loneliness & held my last moments of hope in tender fascination, were quickly demolished as these new players emerged from hybernation.

I was tracking every bit of information possible from the newest privatized space transport. I boarded the vessel, one in a team of eight, to prepare it for those who had never known anything but extravagant wealth. I was lucky enough to have been one of the most intelligent brains alive & landed the job.