Just A Quickie (MFM)

Months passed after Jennifer and a few of my friends had had a pretty amazing weekend of new shared experiences, with nothing really out of the ordinary occurring. Honestly, we didn’t really need anything new because she and I would recount the various events of that first weekend to one another during sex and it always heightened things, every single time, so I didn’t push anything else. Besides, I figured she would eventually want more and I was content in the knowledge that even if she didn’t, we had lived out a fantasy that most people never get to enjoy. As it turns out, the next adventure would be sudden and unexpected.

Jenn and I were lounging out by the pool watching the kids swim and having a pretty relaxing day. She was drinking her favorite -amaretto on the rocks- and I was enjoying a cold IPA. Our friend Jack came by with his son who was the same age as our oldest and asked if he could crash the party. Our kids were thrilled, so of course we said yes.

The Following Night (MFM- and a continuation of Me and the Wife’s First Time with Friends)

The night before, Jack, Ed and myself had introduced my wife Jennifer to the incredible and completely unexpected pleasure of group sex. Waking up that morning though, I was worried that with the light of a new day and without the pleasant fog of alcohol, my wife was going to be upset with herself, with me, with them, and with anyone or anything else she could come up with. Honestly, I had no clue what to expect. So I stretched and rolled over to see if she was awake and wanted to talk.

It was about 11 that morning (it had been a long night!) and I figured she was just laying there with a lot on her mind. Clearly I was over thinking it, because she wasn’t even in the bed with me. That’s when I noticed the delicious aroma of fresh coffee brewing and some faint sounds coming from the kitchen. I got up and put on my robe and went to investigate.