Family cums first – Part 2

Hey guys, this is the second and final part of a story I’d written a few days ago. You can find the first part [here.]( Enjoy :)

“Turn the bloody volume down!” yells Arasu’s Dad as he walked into the living room, still groggy from working late on a project. “You seem to be in a good mood” replied Arasu’s mother as she reached for the TV remote. Arasu’s Dad takes a seat on the sofa, instructing the domestic worker to fix him a cup of coffee. “Please, not right now” he responds, “At least not until I’ve had my coffee”. Arasu’s mother was in no mood to put up with his tantrums. “You’re the one who’s being a sourpuss early in the morning, not us”, she shot back. “I’m sorry, this project’s been a bit of a pain in the ass” he responded. That wasn’t his only source of frustration, though.

Family cums first

Hey guys, I’m planning a part two to this story if the response is good. Let me know in the comments if you guys would like a part two to this. Thanks. :)