Ridiculous encounter I had with [m]y G[f] when we snuck away from a HS basketball game

Disclaimer: both participants were indeed of age at the time of the deed. This is a post that I didnt’ intend to write for gwstories, or for it to be nearly as long as it ended up being. But after putting these thoughts to paper, it definitely belongs here. So it’s a copypasta of my comments in another sub.

GF and I snuck off during a basketball game, an absence noted and reported to her parents, and went to go find somewhere to play. We went upstairs and found a tiny broom closet in the school hallway. Mind you, it’s a small private school 15 years ago. Security was a bit lax once you’re inside the building. The closet door was unlocked. So we went in to have our seclusion.

Anyway, it escalates to sex. It’s going pretty well. Right before I begin my 10 second swan song, we hear footsteps coming down the hall. So we’re trying to be quiet now but there’s no actually stopping us. I’m moments from lift off when we hear the steps halt near the door, and her best friend, who f’king hates me fiercely, calls her name down the hallway.