[M26]et and old [F21]riend at the pub

A few years ago I (m26) had recently split from a long term gf, we had moved into a flat together and as a result of the split she had moved back to her folks and I was on my own. I had a few weekends out with mates to get over that and had people back to my flat for the ubiquitous recently single parties where I had rediscovered the joys of no strings sex, drink and drugs. I was just about over this and wanting to return to normal and thought I would spend an weekend back at the parents in a nearby town just to catch up and reground myself.

I drove to my old local, I had worked there though uni from 19 to 22 and knew all the regulars and older staff pretty well then and lo and behold, nothing had changed too much, some of the older guys had moved on but mostly same old faces same old stools. I bought a few drinks, they were happy I remembered their orders and good time was had by all. Just as I was heading home I noticed a girl I used to work with, she was a bit of a clichéd “little sister” to me when I worked as she was just 16 and a waitress in the restaurant, I had to defender her honour a few times with the drunks and kicked a few regulars out for the night for getting a bit inappropriate. I used to drive her home after her our shift and made sure she got home safe.

[M/M]y First Time

Edited for Paragraphs Sorry for the length, I started writing and couldn’t stop. I know the mark of a good writer is editing, but I am not a good writer. Sex starts about half way down for the inpatient.

I was 28 at the time in a LDR with a girl that was just starting its inevitable spiral towards ending. I had recently lost 20kg and had been spending a few nights a week at the gym and my body confidence was at an all-time high. I had never been sporty, a bit more a geek, but I was 6'3" and naturally broad and strong, which was only improving with the last 5 months in the gym.

The sometimes long nights in the 24hour gym after work had sparked a few friendships, nodding terms anyway, with the local regulars and I had started to get turned on by their bodies, shirtless and sweaty, posing in the mirrors, and showering after. I had to hide my erections every time I came out of the shower. If it had been that type of place I might have been keen to engage in a bit of fun there, but the gym was pretty strict on that, and there were even signs up in the changing rooms warning against.