The Oval Office Fuck-Fest (mm)(mff)(Trump/Hannity Fetish)(threesome)(mysterious third)(kink)(bdsm)

By Om Puri

A cool spring Friday afternoon where the grass and air in the rose garden was perfumed and the air hot enough but crisp enough to be perfect. It was a beautiful day. In the Oval Office the President sat at the old desk that was clear except three or four pages of a memoranda. He didn’t know what yet as he picked them up and tossed them in his hands into a single file. He began looking over the words and a few minutes passed before the door to his office opened and his secretary was there in her blue dress and pale stockings, an older woman who was in her seventies and her hair white. She was there with the reporter Sean Hannity who wanted the interview that day filmed with the Oval Office American flag and the U.S. stamp of the eagle in every shot in the background of Donald Trump. He was all smiles, his hair greased back, grey, black peppered and brown. He was stocky, in a bullish man-way, shoulders broad. He and the President shook hands and paused, looking at each other, then had a somewhat awkward hug thinking it was time.

Fucking In The Middle of An Art Museum* (mf)(ir)(public)(exhibitionist)(fetish)(cum)(money shot)(fuck me that’s hot)(oral)

The Smithsonian Art Museum had antiquated wood floors that were polished and gave the great and wide hall of the museum the feeling of an early American settlement, the house of a governor or house of congress. It was that important. Ronaldo and Jasmine walked by the paintings self-conscious of the other and circulated a bust of a British soldier looking onward, pensive into the distance. The colors of the walls and open air expanse of the warehouse feel of the gallery made them feel…at peace. They spoke to each other easily that day. It was a first date, through friends of friends in their family, who were all originally from India. It was a long voyage for their roots to that moment when they held hands and Ronaldo said, “I have a dog. He is a small terrier. I realized one day the joy I get from walking him, spending time with him, taking care of him. There is a piece of artwork that expresses that better than anything else, the feeling.”

Jasmine felt his fingers interlacing with hers. “What is it?” Feeling his hands she wondered how she had gotten here so fast. But she didn’t see the harm in indulging it. It felt good.

The Lost Orgy

It was a shipwreck. The sands there where he landed were ivory white, the water crystal clear under his hands and his face where he lifted up like from a concussion. The white foam was salty in his lips. His head hurt like a thousand earthquakes. Where was he? Green palm trees that were wild shook back and forth before him as his legs wobbled forward through the lapping waves. When he came to something resembling intelligence he looked back out at the sea and had a sinking feeling in his heart. Everything was gone.
Here he was alone, desperate. He ventured into the interior of the jungle island. In his feet and hands he felt the danger that something could come out and kill him – it could be anything. But it wasn’t danger that awaited him in the island. He came at night across a circle of dark women seated in sand around a fire. They were beautiful. That was all they had in common, in addition to one other thing. They were sexual.
First they embraced him, gave him water, bread, meat. They told him before hand, the water had been infused with psychedelic mushrooms. Then they sat around the fire and talked, the man wrapped in an animal-skin blanket. His wet clothes were by the fire roasting dry. There was a woman named Zana who made the first move. She had straddled him first in silence and they held each other for minutes before bringing her ruby red lips to his. Each woman put their lips and tongues over his body, three of them licking the shaft of his penis, one woman with her large lips sucking intently like slow beating drums the tip. The intensity of the pleasure was almost too much. It began to hurt. He felt tongue flick across his asshole, then lick it, make love to it. He broke through and disappeared inside.

The Alien Who Fucked Me Into Infinity

Feedback appreciated! Thank you!

It was midnight when the windows in her bedroom, black, darkness, silent, suddenly crashed with a large window of light against the wall ahead of her. Sonia first opened her eyes and saw the light across all the familiar things in the room that she carried with her over time, from home to home, apartment to apartment. A small brick home in the suburbs of Indianapolis. Corn stalks in rows were like the ocean here, and wheat too. Long solitary roads cut through them over the hills like the reverse of the yellow brick road. Sonia began to panic. It was a profound fear, something that gripped her so tightly she could feel her heart beating like it was her whole being. She was already naked under the silk dark purple sheets, no bra, no panties. And she was wet. One thing about her was that she was always wet. That was how her pussy was, wet and juicy, stick your lips in it smacking good pussy. Even now her pussy perspired like an Arnold Palmer under an umbrella on the beach.

Raw — an erotic short story

By Om Puri

In the annals of a narrow corridor in the office, on the ninth floor, a dropped ceiling, white ceiling tiles made of spongy mineral fiber, rough and abrasive, ready to powder away; they alternate in chessboard diamonds with the tiles of fluorescent lights, flickering; the grey carpet; a cream-grey cubicle, a woman in a white blouse and navy skirt, black tights, black heels. The computer was on her Facebook screen. Her chair rolls on a plastic mat when she turns to answer the phone. Her light brown hair is in a bun with Japanese hair pins in them. She answers, speaks on behalf of Capital One Credit. It was not a customer but her supervisor in the division, a conversation about new employee policy. Insider her her mind drifts; she focuses and sees a diamond — cut and polished to a point, no blemishes, outside her voice on autopilot. Just don’t say who you are Mary thought from a place deep inside her.