[FF] Edged in the Woods (Long)

This is my first time posting, so apologies if it isn’t good. Debated for a while if I wanted to do this, but here I am! Hope I made the right decision, haha!

**Cast of Characters:**

* Olivia (pet name O) – That’s me!
* Charlotte – Then my girlfriend, now my fiancée. (Name changed for anonymity.)


We were on a hike (we’re quite outdoorsy) in the middle of nowhere – it was beautiful for sure, but totally deserted, so you can probably see where this is going.


We’d gotten pretty far out at this point, probably an hour from where we started. My legs were starting to ache a little, as I’m the less athletic of the two of us. I told Charlotte this and she prodded me to keep going, which I did begrudgingly. A few minutes passed, and then suddenly she wheeled around from her lead position. I was worried something was wrong. “Bears?”, I asked quickly, as the rangers had warned us of them when we began. Before I could say anything else, her hand moved to my mouth swiftly as my eyes widened. Her bag slid off her back quickly, then mine did the same.