[F] I Just sent my new erotic short story to the teacher that inspired it!

I posted this to another sub earlier today, but I thought this community might like hearing about it too! I sent the email to my old teacher a few hours ago but still haven’t heard back. I am getting a bit nervous but will update you when/if I hear back from him! Here is the original post :

I have been working on a short story called “The Graduate” that involves a newly 18 year old finally getting a chance to have sex with her hot AP World History teacher. The teacher is modeled after my old AP history teacher, and the student is based on me. Though I never had a sexual experience with my teacher, I thought I may be able to live out the experience through my writing. Anyways, I went shopping about an hour ago and ran into the teacher I based the story on, and we got to talking. I told him about my writing, and I found out that he is still single. I wasn’t specific about the genre I write, and so this former teacher asked if he could read some of my work. I got really nervous and a bit turned on thinking about how he may react to my story. So after agreeing to share my work and getting his email, we parted ways and I hurried home. Five minutes ago, I sent him the extremely graphic story about passionate unprotected sex between a student and teacher that is based on the two of us! I can’t wait for his response!

[F] My (22f) long-term boyfriend (23M) found out I was writing erotic fiction and dumped me.

I posted this on a different subreddit yesterday, and felt like it might fit here too!

This was over a year ago, so I was 21 and he was 22, but I feel like this story belongs on here. I have always had a very active imagination, and this extends to my sexual fantasies. My ex was always pretty vanilla, so I never felt quite comfortable sharing my desires with him. That being said, I needed to vent, so I took to writing erotic short stories. I have always loved to write, so this was a kind of natural step in expressing my sexuality. Anyways, I was working on a really steamy story involving a group breeding session, and because it was my fantasy, described my own looks as that of the main female character. One night, after going out for drinks with his friends, my boyfriend burst into our apartment and threw up all over the floor. Being the caring girlfriend I was, I went to grab paper towels to clean up the mess. I had been working on this story while he was out, and in the rush to clean up the mess, I left my laptop open on the table. I came back out to him scrolling through the story, demanding to know why I was writing about (myself) getting gang banged by a bunch of hung dudes, and letting them cum in me. I tried to explain that it was just a fantasy, but he wasn’t having it. To be fair, It was extremely graphic, and this was a side of me he had never seen before. He told me I was a sexual deviant, and he felt like he could never live up to my desires. We argued for a while, but eventually this ended in us breaking up. Honestly, I think it was for the best. I need a partner that is confident and comfortable enough to not judge me for my fantasies.