That time I fucked my boyfriend’s roommate and then had an unplanned fuck after. [FM]

A few years ago, I went out to the local bar to play some lawn games and watch some live music with my boyfriend at the time, Mike, and a few of our friends. His roommate Greg was also there but Mike hated Greg. And for NO good reason. Greg was always a really good guy and he just didn’t like Mike being a messy, loud, inconsiderate roommate. Mike also didn’t like that Greg and I had a lot in common and would end up chatting in the living room for hours while Mike played some video game. Seriously, Mike would rather me sit on his bed, bored and scrolling Instagram, than either fuck me, hang out with me, or let me hang out with his roommates. It didn’t stop me and I kind of liked that it pissed him off. He could easily have just given me any amount of attention and I would’ve hung out with him!

I got fingered on a bar-counter from two co-workers when i was 19yrs old [FM]

when i was 19 years old i worked at a bar on a beach for a summer season. i just finished my school and needed some money for traveling. my cousin who was about 7yrs older was a member of the crew that worked there almost every summer but since she was in a relationship she decided to skip a season. i should have realized then already what this decision might tell me about work and the crew but i didn’t think much of it lol. my cousin talked to the boss and he gave me a chance as her replacement.

i worked there for about 5 months and it was the craziest time. so many things happened there that fit in this channel so i am trying to tell you some of the best nights i had there – beginning with the story where i came on a bar-counter because 2 co-workers fingered me.