52(M) and 23(F) – Naughty Teachers

I retired from the military 10 years ago and lost my wife of 22 years to cancer six months later. I went through what I now imagine is a "normal" cycle of grieving, and eventually was left just feeling empty.

Through encouragement from friends, I started dating. I went to dinner and movies with a few women my age, some were Facebook "friends" that I barely remember, but we pleasant enough. One was a blind date my sister arranged. In this case the relationship lasted several weeks, and was put aside mostly due to geography (she was 100 miles away). During this time, I realized I needed a little help, and got a prescription for Viagra. The advertisements are all true. It's a game-changer.

Around this time, I decided to become a teacher (Middle school science). It took a while to become certified, but I like kids, and love science, so it was a good fit. At my first school, I secretly dated a reading teacher around my age. She was exactly what I needed, I guess more of a friend with benefits than anything else. I kept my little blue pill prescription filled.