I Received Some Spectacular Unexpected Love [MF]

The first day of Intro to Macroeconomics is not normally a notable day. But when Katherine chose the seat next to me, I took note. All I could think about that first day of class was “this girl is cute as fuck”.

And she definitely was. She was 5’4”, straight brown hair, and a body that was textbook former high school cheerleader. Small everything: boobs, butt, waist, you name it, hers was small. She was dressed cute too; she wasn’t the type to roll into class just wearing gym clothes (which is how the other person in this story would dress every day). She was in a flowy dress and stylish flats. When we spoke, her intelligence was readily apparent, and I quickly noted how driven she was. The first time I made her laugh I developed a crush on her fast enough to make Michael Scott blush

Even though we hit it off that first day, she was serious about her classes so it took me a few weeks to make enough of a connection to ask her out. Fortunately, she thought I was funny enough to tolerate the occasional missed note, although later admitted she considered moving seats because I was distracting her when she wanted to pay attention.

Drunk girls will do ANYTHING for late night food [mf]

Freshman year, spring 2012

Tuscaloosa, AL

The beauty of college is you never know when something completely new may occur. It was a random weeknight, and my roomates and I were playing Call of Duty. It was closing in on 1:00 AM, which wasn’t super late by college standards but I was getting ready to log off and hit the sack. Then I heard a bang on our front door followed by an explosion of profanity, giggling, and singing.

“Hey, yall move your fucking asses!” I heard from the doorway. “Mama needs her nachoooooooooooos!”

This was followed by a loud thud and an explosion of laughter. I hopped up from the game and found three of our four across the hall neighbors (our dorms were apartment style) in a state of euphoric intoxication.

Chelsea was laying in the floor laughing, while a moving cart was askew in the hallway. Guess that explains the crash. Abi and Laura were laughing at her as they helped her up, and as soon as the door was open all three came in without a pause in their conversation.

I am really that easy, huh? [MF]

This takes place back in 2016, and is easily the sluttiest thing that I have ever done, or that has ever happened to me. As with [each](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k6v0p5/i_fucked_a_college_volleyball_player_on_the/) of my [stories](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k44o93/hooking_up_with_one_of_my_college_friends/) I’ve written out, there is some artistic license taken in the exact dialogue and actions. I’m going off memory here. But this is how it went down.


I was 23 and living in Birmingham, AL, less than a year out of college. It was a night in early April, one of those great spring days where it’s finally warm again and everyone is excited to be outside. I was part of an adult kickball league, and we’d won our game and the majority of our team had happily driven downtown to hang out at the bar that sponsored the league for a few hours. The last games ended at 9:30, so by 10:00 the back patio was in full swing. I was chatting with a few of the guys on the team when I noticed her walk outside.

I fucked a college volleyball player on the family beach trip [mf]

The summer after I graduated from college my Dad invited me to come down to the beach on the family vacation. It had been a few years since I’d gone due to various jobs in the summer, but I agreed to go if I could get off of work. I was able to work it out at my new job that I would put in extra time early in the week and take Friday off so I could be down there for a long weekend.

I left straight from work Thursday afternoon and made the 4 hour drive to the house we were renting. We spent most of Friday morning hanging out on the beach in front of the house, but around 11:00 I took a stroll down the beach to admire the “scenery”. Typically, it’s just families where we go, so I didn’t have the same type of girl-viewing expectations that I’d had as a middle/high schooler. My walk took me past a condo and was making my way toward the next one when I came up on a family that was getting started with a football game.

Hooking up with one of [M]y college [f]riends

I met Morgan when I was a junior in college at Alabama and she was a sophomore. She was a friend of a friend named Sarah, who had brought her out for our coed flag football team. Sarah had told us that Morgan was a good athlete, but that undersold her. Morgan was an absolute stud. She had played soccer and basketball in high school and anything we threw her way she caught. We had a couple former high school football players, plus I’m 6’4” and had played basketball in high school. So we had a good team. But as anyone who’s played coed intramurals knows, your team is only as good as the girls you have on it, so Morgan was often our go to receiver.

At the time I had a long-time girlfriend, so we were just friends in the casual way that you become friends with countless people in college. I knew that Morgan was good looking, I mean I had eyes, plus her standard Nike shorts and tank top certainly showed off her toned, athletic body (for those looking for the full picture she’s around 5’7”, medium length blonde hair, and was probably between a B and C cup). But nothing ever went anywhere beside very light flirting because I was off the market.