[FM] My Child is due in April because I Responded to a Doubelist Ad of a Young Woman Wanting Someone to Fill her Fertile Unprotected Hole and Deal with Whatever Comes After

**Background**: I’m a black male, 6″5, 215 pounds. 2020 has been the worst year of my life like so many others. I’m single and never married; with no children prior to this encounter. I lost my job in July due to COVID layoffs and was living paycheque to paycheque prior, working as a Driver’s supervisor for a cab company. Financially I was a mess, and I’ve been trying to find work since. I have been working nonstop since I was 15 years old, even during my college days playing basketball I was working. I’m now 29 years old and I have never been unemployed for this long (6 months by the time of this encounter happening). I was a mess from virtually every aspect. Sleeping odd hours, distancing myself from others, it was very unlike me.

I also found myself browsing the internet a lot, and going through dating apps like bumble, tinder, hinge, etc. I was eager to socialize again, to be intimate with someone after so long. I finally encountered a website called Doublelist.