Part III (final) – Watching TV in the basement with my friend when we’re interrupted by the house slut – [FFM]

[The final part of my co-op basement threesome story –

Part I: [](

Part II: []( ]

“Now,” I whispered into Dan’s shoulder. “Fuck me now.”

I felt his biceps tense as his hand moved towards his cock. I couldn’t tell if he had taken off the condom yet, but it seems he hadn’t because his next words contained the slightest hint of trepidation. “Really?”

“Dan, I’m on the pill. I want your cock, not your kids.” That made him smile. “Okay then,” he growled. His arm was rhythmically tensing in a way that made me certain he stroking himself. “Ask me again.”

I pulled him down on top of me so that I could whisper into his ear. “I want to feel your cock inside me. I want you to fuck me full of cum.”

His body tensed on top of me and a low moan seemed to escape him almost involuntarily. When I looked into his face, mere inches from mine, there was no trace of caution there. He was staring into my eyes with a raw intensity that sent shockwaves down my body from my nipples to my now exposed pussy. He groped at my bare chest again, pinching my erect nipples and squeezing my breasts with his free hand.

Part II – Watching TV in the basement with my friend when we’re interrupted by house slut – [FFM]

[This is a continuation of the story that started here: []( ]

After Dan shot his load down my throat, he stood up straight and pulled up his gym shorts. “I’m coming right back,” he said, chest heaving. “Stay here.” As I watched him turn into the hallway leading upstairs, I could only wonder what his slutty mind had planned. I wasn’t about to leave though. Who knew if I’d ever have the opportunity to experience something like this again?

I glanced over at Sofia, who looked back at me incredulously. “What the fuck,” she said. “If it had been anyone else but Dan.”

A sudden wave of mirth overwhelmed me and I started giggling. The whole thing felt so unreal. Sofia kept shaking her head in disbelief, staring off into space, muttering “What the actual fuck,” every so often, which only made me laugh harder.

A few minutes later, I heard feet on the stairwell again, and Dan emerged, holding up a few packets of condoms. Sofia and I locked eyes, raising our eyebrows at each other. If this was what he had in mind, I was definitely on board.

Me [F] and a friend are watching TV in the basement when we’re interrupted by the house slut [FFM]

Back in college I had myself my share of fun. I grew up in a very religious Christian household and didn’t even masturbate until I left for college at 18. I moved into a cooperative house the summer before my freshman year and predictably lost my horny little mind. Co-ops at my school were somewhat infamous for unbridled sex and substance use, although I didn’t know this when I first chose to move in.

Anyway, this story starts in the co-op basement on a lazy Thursday afternoon in the fall of my sophomore year. Our basement was kind of a catch-all space that had couches and a tv, gaming set ups, a ping pong table, and gym equipment. It wasn’t an uncommon experience for people to drink and smoke weed and get up to shenanigans down there.