An Afternoon Stroll [F]

I was looking forward for the holiday; a nice mid-week respite from the bustle of the daily grind. I figured I’d head downtown, eat out for lunch, stroll, and window shop a bit.

My Lord had a full day, but he still ran mine. A detailed-oriented man, he oversaw and approved my outfit the night before; the requirements were a dress and a g-string. I picked out a casual dress and a semi-transparent mauve lilac g-string. Animal print pointed flats, a bra in a matching color,  and a black leather bag finished out the rest.
And so I left, off to wander and relax.

*Where was I?* He asked while I stepped into the Uber. *On my way to lunch*, I said. Once I’d arrived, he had me show him where I’d gone. *Has anyone checked you out?* And so I told him of the looks I’d received, even right then at lunch, the men staring at me. And stare they did, as the dress showed off my legs.

*Take your panties off*, he said. *I can’t, not here*, I said. There were too many people eating out, some looking at me. I could never manage. My heart raced at the idea, a knot of nerves.

[F]lying with Special Cargo

My Lord – that is, my Master – has always pushed me to be bolder, naughtier, sluttier. Limits are constantly tested, and over a year and a half of play has expanded my naughty horizons exponentially.

So when I was preparing and packing for my last flight, I wasn’t surprised that he assigned me a task; my Lord does so enjoy giving me a naughty to-do list when in public, especially if it makes me squirm a bit from embarrassment ir nerves. After all, he knows my desire to please him is even greater than that, and he always gets what he wants.

This one made me nervous – fly plugged? Going out with a plug is not new. By now, I’ve been out shopping, at work, and even exercised with one in thanks to my tasks. I figured I could not go straight to the airport with it in; it would be so long, and then the security screening machines and detectors; surely they’d see it inside me?!