[FMM] my shitty ex watched me fuck his best friend

This one unfortunately includes my ex boyfriend (Jade) who was pretty worthless for sex. It was toward the end of our relationship when he invited me to his family’s cabin. The catch was that his best friend, Al, was coming too. I did not anticipate anything sexual happening between me and Al on this trip, but thank god it did.

The three of us headed up to the cabin in the early afternoon on a Friday. Jade came from a decently wealthy family, so the cabin had a hot tub and a few rooms. We’d invited more of our friends, but everyone was busy besides Al. As we drove up he kept making jokes about being the third wheel.

“Don’t worry! I’ll give you guys some time alone.” I rolled my eyes. My relationship with Jade was on the verge of collapse at this point for many reasons. One of which was the god awful sex. It still blows my mind that I dated a man who only made me cum twice; ever. Anyway…

[FF] my first lesbian experience in college

I wanted to write about my first lesbian experience I had back when I was in college. Scroll to *** for the sex.

When I started college I had a sweet roommate, Ana. We were both in the liberal arts college at our university, and by virtue of this ended up with a lot of free time. Back then I still smoked a lot of weed, and we both passed a fair amount of this free time by sitting around smoking together. Ana had a ridiculous bong shaped like a mushroom… anyway I digress.

One of her friends at the time, Luna, stopped by pretty often to smoke with us.
I’d always suspected that I might be bisexual but never had a chance to test it out until college. Luna was the first girl I ever developed a real crush on. She was striking. Equal parts sexy and intimidating, I felt butterflies when I talked to her. She was taller, with olive skin and sweet maple brown hair. She had lots of piercings, including her nipples as I would find out later. Her pupils floated in the frozen blue sea of her eyes, and I was smitten immediately. I’ve never met another person to this day with eyes like that.

[FM] finally fucked my hot neighbor

This is a continuation of a previous story where I masturbated to the sound of my stud neighbor William fucking his annoying girlfriend, Terra. The wall between our apartments sucked and I could hear them fucking all the time. Sex comes after the *** if you want to skip to it! Anyway:

My neighbor William and I had become a lot more friendly in the next few weeks. We’d joke at eachother when we passed in the halls and frequently brush against each other. He very obviously flirted with me, touching my shoulder playfully, or calling me cute… harmless things. I just grew more and more frustrated.

I saw his girlfriend, Terra, more often too. She probably picked up on his eyes wandering to my ass a few times or the way I smiled at him— pretty soon she’d rush him away whenever I ran across them.

A few months after I’d moved in, one of our neighbors hosted a community movie night. It was really more of an excuse to get stoned while Pulp Fiction or something played in the background.

[FM] getting revenge on my neighbors for fucking so loud

This is a continuation to my earlier story about masturbating to sounds of my neighbors having sex. There’s some exposition for context on this one so if you want to skip to the steamy part scroll to the ***.
I’ll pick up at the point I saw the mystery neighbor next— a few days later while he was moving a couch into his apartment. It wasn’t that big, but still I found it pretty funny to watch him trying to bear hug it up the stairs all by himself. There didn’t seem like a better opportunity would come to say hello so that’s what I did.

“Hey nice to meet you, I’m Mira I think we live next door to each other.”

He looked pained, and set the couch down awkwardly to face me.

“Hey-“ He was out of breath. “So nice to meet you, I’m William— is it bad to ask a girl for help moving furniture?”

He had a nice cadence to the way he talked. I liked that.

“Not at all, sir.” I pantomimed a curtsy to him as he rolled his eyes.

[F] fingering myself to the sound of my neighbors fucking

I’m having a lot of fun writing these and want to tell a little bit longer story so this one will be a few parts. This day lead to some of my hottest sexual experiences, so I’m excited to share the entire story and hoping others will enjoy it!

This story unfolded last year, and starts with me smoking a cigarette in the bath while reading. Reading what you ask? This subreddit of course. Every 30 seconds or so the ceiling would drip a trickle of water and take me completely out of the moment. Regardless, I was getting pretty worked up from casually fingering myself under the tepid bath water.

Pretty much my ideal Friday.

I had a candle lit— the whole nine yards, when I noticed a steady creaking sound coming from my neighbor’s apartment. Smirking to myself I laid down my phone and pressed my ear to the wall. I could just barely make out an audible moaning and that classic skin slapping sound, a signature of scandalous activities. Normally people get annoyed by their neighbors fucking, but right now? I wished I could watch.