Oh, just some fucking nerds [FM] part 1?

It’s been 5 years since I posted, but I’m back again to document the encounters with another coworker. Maybe I shouldn’t be screwing people at work, I wonder? And at the same time, I type this up in the office, which is open plan, my screen visible to anyone walking past…


So I’m interviewing for a new job in tech, for context. I wasn’t surprised when my primary and sole interview was conducted over video call, as it involved a small coding test. My interviewer, who would become my manager should they accept me, apologises that his video feed wasn’t working, but I could still hear him over audio and we mostly screenshared for the coding part anyway. We spoke about the position for an hour and 45 minutes, made jokes about the industry, somehow got onto the topic of our favourite characters in Super Smash Bros (video game, for the muggles out there). I thought I’d done pretty well in the interview, especially well with the code test. But more importantly, I enjoyed talking to him and thought he sounded like he’d make an excellent team member. He is clever, witty, and had a deep, confident voice. In his early 30’s I estimate. And the best part was that he had an accent. Who doesn’t fucking love an accent?