Back in the glory days of the Craigslist Personal Encounters pages, I found myself doing the consultant work travel for a full summer. The first couple of weeks were mundane and routine… brewery, good dinner, nightcap at the hotel bar. This led to a couple of fun, if uninteresting times.
One slow day at work I found myself intrigued to look on the couples looking for a male board. I responded to a post without a picture that seemed real enough … couple looking for a male to host in a hotel, with the male to watch or possibly get a blowjob. Surprisingly, I got a response from the husband with a picture of his wife, nude on a beach, from behind. Couldn’t see her face, but could see a thin figure. I responded, said I’d be at my hotel bar and he left it with maybe we will go there after dinner. To my surprise, I got an email saying they were at a booth, which I found soon after.