[FM] About the time I made my best friend cum in his bathing trunks

Hi, I’m Cindy and it has been a long time since I have written anything for GWS probably because I haven’t really had any exciting sexual experiences in a long time too! But I’ve been dying to write more for you, especially given how much love and encouragement I’ve received from this community in the past. I don’t write fiction, I always want to write about things that really happen to me but as I said lately I’ve been so consumed with school and family issues that my sex life has been put to the side. I guess I rely a little too much on reading other people’s experiences and living vicariously through you, and of course always with a healthy dose of some of my own memories to pass the time.

But I recently had an experience that’s maybe more funny than sexy, but I thought I would share all the same!

[FM] About the time my boss took me home for Christmas

Hi, Cindy again!

Before I begin, I’d first like to thank everyone who sent me letters in response to my [first story](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5nobla/fm_about_the_time_i_gave_my_boss_a_blowjob/?ref=share&ref_source=link). It was really exciting to share that experience with everyone, and to learn that so many of you enjoyed it. Your feedback was overwhelmingly positive and I loved reading your comments so much! This is a really great community and I’m so glad I found you all!

That said, I am not exaggerating when I say I received *hundreds* of messages in response, many of which are still unread. I’m truly touched by the love you’ve all shown me, especially since I am so new to this community. But it is quite overwhelming. I didn’t want to just breeze through everything in one afternoon and send back brief replies… I started to do that, in fact, but it felt wrong. Many of you wrote long, extremely detailed letters (which I love!) and I want to do each of you the courtesy of giving your letters the attention they deserve. I promised I would do that, and I always try my best to keep my promises. So please, please, be patient with me. I am reading (or, in the rare case, re-reading) every single letter you sent me, and I will do my best to respond to everyone. And in order to do that properly it will take time.

[FM] About the time I gave my boss a blowjob

Hi, I’m Cindy, and this is a true story about something that happened to me about two years ago while I was working at a small company that sold wholesale office furniture. I worked in the admin office full time, where I helped out with invoicing and other clerical duties; this was a job I found at the community job bank, and I was saving my money for when I would be starting college the following September. In short, this wasn’t a job I planned on keeping for long, but I was hoping I could stay on for about a year.

My supervisor was a woman in her 50s who was kind and seemed to like me a lot. I work hard, I’m good with Excel, and I’m never late or absent—all qualities that frankly set me apart from the other admins who had been through that place over the years, or so I was told. As for me, I was 20 years old at the time and eager to learn—that was my first full-time “real” job, and besides a few summers spent working as a lifeguard I’d never really had a job of any kind before. I always dressed professionally to work, never provocatively or inappropriately. I’m Chinese-American, and I come from a strict family, so I suppose I was raised with a conservative mindset.