[F] I went streaking at work…and got caught PART 2

To recap: I went streaking at work and was now in the bathroom realizing the janitor took my clothes from the women’s bathroom. It was a very bad situation.

I crept back to the door, saw the hallway was clear and raced into the stall. My clothes were gone. No longer on the hook. The janitor must have taken them.

I immediately started to hyperventilate. What the fuck was I going to do? Then I got weirdly very calm. I needed to go to the lost and found near the janitors closet.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped out into the hallway. The hard floor was cold on my feet. I started walking down towards his room.

Then I heard foot steps coming down the hall.

I’ve never run faster in my life. I tore around the corner, jiggling the whole way, and ducked into a random office.

Crouched behind a desk, I watched the door.

I felt like the kids in Jurassic Park in the kitchen where the raptors are stalking them…except in this case, it was the security guard. He walked right past the door, completely oblivious. I had completely forgotten about him. Holy shit. No time to dwell though.

[F] I went streaking at my office…and got caught PART 1

After my secret trip to the mall I became fixated on that moment. I couldn’t stop picturing that guy’s eyes on me as i stood there completely exposed in the changing room. A complete stranger.

The adrenaline rush and excitement was almost addicting. I found my thoughts and fantasies turning to work.

I was back working in the out of state office when someone on Reddit dared me to go streaking after hours. I decided immediately I was going to do it. Since it wasn’t the home office the thrill was more fun.

The perks of being the boss were I could get myself situated earlier.

I waited until work was close to being done, then discreetly packed everything, went to my car early and dropped it off, then went back to the women’s bathroom and waited in the handicap stall as everyone went home. I texted my husband I would be working late.

I played games on my phone until it was 30 minutes after closing. I went to the door and peaked out into the hallway. Silence. Then walked to our office. Everyone had gone home. It was time.


I wanted to share this again because it’s one of my favorite memories:

I consider myself a professional and “normal” woman.

However at the mall today something just came over me. The JC Penny has an unmonitored changing area which is where I ended up. A wife dragged her husband ahead of me with an enormous pile of clothes. I had just a few pieces. His face was one of utter defeat – he had at least 30 minutes of sitting ahead of him.

His wife took the big handicap changing room so I went into the one next to it. This happened to be across from where he sat down.

Tried the first outfit on, a skirt and my top. Then I went out of my stall to the 180 mirrors and took a look. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed him discreetly staring.

He was a relatively average looking guy, overweight and balding but not ugly by any means. I watched his eyes drift up my legs and that’s when I got turned on.