[F] I was dared to go to the mall, sneak into the men’s bathroom, strip naked in the handicap stall, handcuff myself to the metal bar, sit on the ground and set a timer for 20 minutes. Then I got caught.

I don’t know why of all the dares this is the one I wanted to do. But I found myself on Saturday walking into the mall by myself.

I stood outside the mens bathroom of the busy mall, trying to wait for it to be completely empty but it just wasn’t happening with all the traffic.

The handicap stall would be at the far end so I had to go deep.

Finally, I put my head down and charged in…running right into a guy coming out.

“Oops, my bad.” He said, and kept walking. I stepped into the men’s bathroom. A line of 10 urinals were on the wall with dividers between each one. Five guys were spaced out on them. The other wall was all stalls.

None of the guys noticed me, eyes on the wall in front of them so I quickly walked down to the end, trying not to look over at the guy’s peeing, and with my heart beating out of my chest, got into the last stall.

I closed the door and locked it, trying to catch my breath.

[F] I had a stranger help me pick out lingerie at the mall…things got out of hand

[F33] I had a stranger help me pick out lingerie at the mall…things got out of hand

I was dared to pick a stranger at the mall to help me try on a new lingerie looks.

I told my husband I was going to be late again after work and ran over to the mall. I sat in the food court and tried to decide how to pick a guy to do this dare with. I had already decided that I would be taking them back to JC Penny where the unmonitored changing area was.

At this hour of the day very few people would be around too.

My heart was already pounding in my chest as I looked at the various men walking by. My flight or fight senses were on high alert. Finally my eyes focused on a man sitting directly across from me. He had a table covered in food and he was looking right at me. Directly.

He averted his eyes the second we connected. I took stock of him. He looked short, was overweight and already had balding spots around his hairline. In short, he came across as harmless. I took a deep breath. Last chance to back out.

[F] My butt plug betrayed me and I ended up cumming in the middle of a conference room work meeting

As a new member to the daily butt plug club (I’m still wearing my small princess plug with appropriate breaks and cleaning) there’s definitely been a learning curve. That hasn’t been as evident until yesterday.

I’ve had a few sudden orgasms while wearing my plug but it’s usually been when I’m alone and pushing the pressure to the limit. That was not the case yesterday.

We were halfway through a two hour meeting. About 20 of us were crammed into the conference room (masks on) and to be perfectly frank I was bored and zoning out.

Started daydreaming about sex and skimming Reddit messages under the table. Leaned back into the chair to put pressure onto my plug and it hit like lightning. I went right past the point of no return. It was immediate.

The tightness and pressure in my ass exploded through my entire body, causing me to shiver all over and then it was happening. I was cumming right there. In the middle of a work meeting. Coworkers all around me.

The emotions going through my mind were complicated and unclear. It was a lot at once.
I jammed my legs together as tight as I could and prayed no one was looking at my face.

[F] I was dared to strip naked in the office after work for ten minutes and leave my clothes…it went very wrong, very fast

Dare from an anonymous user.
“I dare you to strip butt naked at work after hours and leave your clothes in a separate room for ten minutes.”
This one left me feeling nervous all day. I had a quick plan. I waited until work was close to being done, then discreetly packed everything, went to my car early and dropped it off, then went back to the women’s bathroom and waited in the handicap stall as everyone went home. I texted my husband I would be working late.
I work in a shared office building, with three companies on our floor. My company alone has about 100 employees. I am unfortunately one of six women. The rest are men.
I played games on my phone until it was 30 minutes after closing. I went to the door and peaked out into the hallway. Silence.
I went back to the handicap stall and quickly peeled my dress off, unclipped my bra and dropped my thong. I hung it all up on the inside hook of the stall door. Then, barefoot, I walked back to the hallway door.
I set my Apple Watch to ten minutes and pressed start. Then I just went for it, walking out into the open hallway. There was one camera around the left side so I went right, walking towards the elevator lobby. I went past the door to our office, darting across the windows quickly even though everyone was gone. I made it to the elevators and sat down in the cloth chairs to wait for the ten minutes.
My mental state at this point was hard to explain. I’m finding these moments where I’m doing something wild seem to shut down the logic part of my brain. My heart pounds, I’m shaking…but I’m also so happy.
And I remained happy for seven minutes, until the elevator suddenly dinged on my floor. I’ve never run so fast in my life. I cleared the corner just as the doors opened and slid to a halt.
The janitor was in the women’s bathroom. His cart was in the door. I heard low whistling behind me from whoever was on the elevator and quickly ran past the janitors cart and ran into the men’s bathroom. I just hoped Jamal wasn’t looking as I ran by.
I got into the handicap stall and locked the door, sitting on the toilet. A few moments later the bathroom door exploded open giving me a second heart attack.
The guy went straight to my stall, violently pulling on the handle. I think I almost blacked out.
“Sorry.” The guy said. Then he went to the stall next to mine. I saw his pants hit the ground. Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t want to scar you with the sounds I heard…but it wasn’t good. The whole time I sat there completely naked, the ten minute countdown fully passed.
As I sat there, with a man I didn’t know, just a foot away from me butt naked, I found my fingers drifting between my legs. I slowly massaged myself while trying to drown out the sounds. It was weird.
Finally he left. I crept back to the door, saw the hallway was clear and raced into the stall. Thankfully my clothes were still on the hook. I got dressed and ran to my car where I finished what I started in the stall.
Dare: complete!

[F] I was dared to go to a pet store and ask for a collar and leash, then when they ask for what kind of dog, I tell them it’s for me. I tried a few collars on. I was embarrassed lol

This dare was from u/hungman1974
“So here’s the dare. You need to go the pet store and ask for a collar and a leash. And when they ask you about the dog and it’s size and breed, you tell them it’s for you. Bonus points for trying out a few of them.”
I was wearing leggings and a tank top when I walked confidently into PetCo (one further into town, not the one I normally go to). I went back by the dog collars and looked at the rows and rows of options. I waited a few minutes until finally an employee showed up. Kind of short guy, on the younger side.
“Excuse me? Could you help me?” I asked. He walked over.
Suddenly alllllllll of the nerves hit me.
“I’m looking for a dog collar.” I said.
He looked at me, then looked at the hundreds of collars for a long beat.
“Okay?” He said, confused.
We stared at each other for a moment.
“Um. What kind of a dog do you have?” He finally asked.
I giggled nervously. I probably looked like a crazy person.
“It’s for me.” I said.
He stared at me for another long moment. “Right, but what kind of dog do you have so I know the general size.”
“No it’s for me. I’m going to wear it.” For a moment he looked like he was about to walk away. He definitely thought I was joking.
This wasn’t going well.
“I mean, I know it’ll need to be bigger I bet.” I walked towards the middle rows.
“Well, just try any of them on to start.” He said smugly. At this point he must have thought this was all a game and didn’t think I’d do it.
I grabbed the first collar, all pink, and quickly snapped it around my neck. It actually kind of fit. He looked at me shocked.
“How’s this look?” I posed real quick like a dork, not helping my crazy person vibe.
“Umm. Thicker. You need a thicker one.” The guy said. Somehow that seemed sexual.
And for the next few minutes he helped me try on several collars until we settled on a thick, dark collar.
“Ok, now I need a leash.” I said. I grabbed one off the end display, ignoring the looks of a guy walking in, and went back to the employee.
“Could you do the honors?” I said, handing him the leash. His hand was visibly shaking but he clipped it on.
I was standing in a pet store, dog collar around my neck and leash being held by an employee.
“Did you need to, like, try it out?” He asked.
“Good point.” And before I knew what I was doing I was on all fours in the aisle, walking deeper into the store. I could feel his eyes on my ass as I crawled. The collar pulled tightly on me.
Finally I hopped up.
“This is perfect. I’ll take the collar, thank you.” I quickly unclipped the leash and walked up front to check out, leaving him standing there with the leash.
Dare – accomplished!
As I walked out I saw him standing with another employee whispering about me. I practically ran out the store.

[F] I just got married and suddenly feel far more sexually adventurous…I went to the mall this weekend to try on new clothes and decided to leave the curtain open while changing. One guy got a show.

I’m going to try posting this one last time…
I consider myself a professional and normal woman. I just got married to my boyfriend of eight years (long time) and it’s a great relationship.
However at the mall today something just came over me. The JC Penny has an unmonitored changing area which is where I ended up. A wife dragged her husband ahead of me with an enormous pile of clothes. I had just a few pieces. His face was one of utter defeat – he had at least 30 minutes of sitting ahead of him.
His wife took the big handicap changing room so I went into the one next to it. This happened to be across from where he sat down.
Tried the first outfit on, a skirt and my top. Then I went out of my stall to the 180 mirrors and took a look. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed him discreetly staring.
He was a relatively average looking guy, overweight and balding but not ugly by any means. I watched his eyes drift up my legs and that’s when I got turned on.
I walked back to the stall, reached for the curtain…and half closed it. I could see him in the side mirror, but it wasn’t obvious to him I could see him. He had a straight view into my stall.
His wife came out and he made some half hearted comment about her outfit. She went back in.
I don’t know what came over me. I bent over to take my shoes off and felt the skirt raise all the way up until I knew half my ass was facing him.
I glanced at the mirror and saw him sit up straighter, jaw open.
Shoes off I stood back up and pulled my top off. I don’t generally wear bras, so I stood there topless, my bare back to him. I made a big show of looking at my boobs in the mirror.
Fuck it.
I turned my whole body and kept looking over my shoulder like I was admiring my ass…while my boobs swung around towards him.
For the first time in eight years, outside of my doctor, another man was seeing my breasts. My heart was pounding. I needed to stop. But I couldn’t.
I turned back and without thinking, dropped the skirt to my feet. I stood there in just a thong. I stretched and bent down again, my legs wide.
I came upright and looked in the mirror. We locked eyes. He gave me a silly thumbs up. I turned around to face him directly and shook my chest at him playfully. Then I closed the curtain and got dressed.
I felt high. Adrenaline raced through me.
I quickly walked out without looking at him and ran to my car. I took a moment to compose myself before driving home. It wasn’t something I felt my husband needed to know…but I need that thrill again