House Warming (MF)

I drive up to the house in a quiet little neighborhood in the middle of the country. It’s a nice looking place, with numerous cars parked on either side of the driveway. My oldest daughter’s best friend bought herself a house and I was invited to the house warming. I see some faces that I know and quite a few that I don’t as I get out of my car. I walk into the garage, bearing my house warming gifts for the owner and her wife. I pause to say hi to some of the friendly faces. The owner, her wife, and a few of their friends have been to my house before, some many times. Hell, a few of them I even consider them friends of my own.

Party out of bounds (MF) (Anal) (Rape)

The parties at Andy’s house were always awesome. Plenty of alcohol, great music, party games, a good ratio of girls to guys, and plenty of rooms in his big house to sneak off into when the mood hits. Being friends with Andy had its advantages at times, like tonight. David arrived to the party already in full swing. The front door opened into the hectic living room, the couches and plush loveseats already full of guys and girls all gathered around drinking and playing some card game probably designed to try and embarrass the players with its tasks. The TV hanging on the wall was showing some cheesy 80’s music videos even though that’s not the music that was currently playing. The speakers of the sound system were carefully tucked away on the built-in bookshelves in the room, currently blaring something sung by a man with a high pitched voice. Is that The Weeknd? Sam Smith? David didn’t know, he’d heard of them, but that’s just not his kind of music.

Party out of bounds (MF) (Rape) (Anal)

The parties at Andy’s house were always awesome. Plenty of alcohol, great music, party games, a good ratio of girls to guys, and plenty of rooms in his big house to sneak off into when the mood hits. Being friends with Andy had its advantages at times, like tonight. David arrived to the party already in full swing. The front door opened into the hectic living room, the couches and plush loveseats already full of guys and girls all gathered around drinking and playing some card game probably designed to try and embarrass the players with its tasks. The TV hanging on the wall was showing some cheesy 80’s music videos even though that’s not the music that was currently playing. The speakers of the sound system were carefully tucked away on the built-in bookshelves in the room, currently blaring something sung by a man with a high pitched voice. Is that The Weeknd? Sam Smith? David didn’t know, he’d heard of them, but that’s just not his kind of music.

New Neighbor Pt 2

for Part one:
The next morning, I wake to the realization that what had happened was not some crazy wet dream. I had somehow mustered up the courage to actually go across the hall to you and do those things to you! And while it wasn’t my first time, I’m not very experienced, so between that and my social anxiety, how in the hell?

Oh no, what you must think of me! I quickly went from pride to fear and shame. What if you wanted to have me arrested for assault? Again, fight or flight kicks in and adrenaline pumps into my veins, begging me to run. I jump from my bed and run to my door, half naked, to make sure that it was locked and bolted. I look out the peep hole and saw nothing but your closed door looking back at me, the designation 5A in gilded lettering hanging prominently above your own peep hole.

Dawn’s Early Light [MF] [Analingus] [Fiction]

“Not tonight dear, I’m really tired and have to work tomorrow,” says my wife of 15 years after I’ve tried to make my move. So, now I lay here in bed next to her, rock hard, thinking of what I wanted to do to her. It doesn’t take long for her to start snoring, floating away to dreamland unaffected by primal lust. Unable to calm down, I get up, go to the closet, grab an undershirt and dig for my hidden stash of lotion. I close the closet door behind me and bring up my favorite website on my smart phone. Doesn’t take long for me to find a decent video and take care of business.

Cleaning up, I think about what time my wife normally gets up to prepare for work. As I lay back down in the bed, I roll over and set the alarm clock for about 30 minutes prior to her usual wake-up time. All set, I roll over to get some shut-eye. The oxytocin high wearing off now, I fall asleep easily and quickly, joining her in dreamland.

New pre-game ritual (MF) (Public) (OC)

Saturday morning, game day, I wake up and go through my pre-game routine: shit, shower, shave, game day attire and ready to go. Doesn’t take a whole lot to care for my fairly short blonde hair, mustache and goatee topping my 5’11” 200 pound frame. I gather my tailgate alcoholic beverages, put them in the cooler, and load up the car. I just need to make one stop before heading to the stadium for the day: the gas station for a bag of ice and my usual pre-game juice for hydration.

I pull up to the station – gasoline level is good, so let’s just head in. Walk in the front door and turn to see Alice, a slightly weathered brunette with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, my usual Saturday morning cashier, and say, “Hey there lady! Ready for the game?” A quick smile forming around that cigarette as she replies, “You know it! Go get ‘em!” Smiling, I turn straight for the ice, grab a bag and put it under my arm, then turn to the juice section of the cooler. Looks like they are out of my usual pre-game drink. Hmm, maybe there’s some in the cooler that just hasn’t been stocked? I look at Alice and point in the cooler. She just nods and points, then returns to helping the customer at her register, cigarette smoke wafting up around her head.

Nightswimming (MF)

August in the south can be scorching hot, even through the night. It’s why I’m so happy that I have my own swimming pool.

It’s at least 1 am, the stars are out and the moon is a little more than half full and there’s not a cloud in the sky. Driving through my sleepy little suburb, there aren’t many lights on in the windows of these cookie cutter houses. Most folks around here don’t have later shift jobs like I do. Reaching my house, I pull into my driveway, get out of my car, open the gate to my 6 foot tall wooden privacy fence that surrounds the back part of my .5 acre yard. After stepping through, I close the gate behind me and walk towards my target of the night: my underground swimming pool. There’s no real light source back here, the closest street light is on the other side of the house, so it’s pretty dark. However, the moonlight is more than bright enough for me to know exactly where I am in relation to my pool. Pausing at the cement at the edge of my pool, I strip off all of my clothes and take a deep breath. My 6’, 205 pound, slightly athletic body covered with a light sheen of sweat glistening in the light of the moon. After a few more seconds of just staring off into the distance, I dive in.

New Neighbor [MF]

For the last few months, the apartment next to me has been empty. The silence is something that I’ve come to appreciate as the walls are thin and previous neighbor wasn’t very considerate. Especially when he had company overnight. Thin or not, this wall separating our apartment bedrooms is definitely not think enough to muffle the sound of the headboard slapping against it rhythmically. Earbuds and peaceful music were my friends back then. But that’s no longer a problem.

After spending a lazy morning in bed, staring out my sliding glass door into the brightening sky, I go to the little kitchen to start my coffee and pop a burrito in the microwave. The breakfast of champions. Over the hum of the microwave, I hear sounds of scraping and bumping coming from the hallway outside my front door. I guess someone’s moving in next door. There goes my solitude. I walk to my front door to see if maybe I can catch a glimpse of my new neighbor. Looking through my peep hole, I can see a couple of uniformed guys shuffle by with a modest couch. Then you appear in the doorway and I catch my breath. There you stand, 5’ 6”, slim but curvy figure, bright blue eyes and sultry red lips garnering my attention. You put your hands on your hips and lean over slightly, looking down the hallway towards the entrance. Your long brown hair falling down to your ample breasts which are now slightly exposed, your shirt hanging loosely. You straighten and turn to go back into the apartment, your ass tightly framed by the jeans you are wearing.

New Pre-game Ritual [MF] [Public]

Saturday morning, game day, I wake up and go through my pre-game routine: shit, shower, shave, game day attire and ready to go. Doesn’t take a whole lot to care for my fairly short blonde hair, mustache and goatee topping my 5’11” 200 pound frame. I gather my tailgate alcoholic beverages, put them in the cooler, and load up the car. I just need to make one stop before heading to the stadium for the day: the gas station for a bag of ice and my usual pre-game juice for hydration.

I pull up to the station – gasoline level is good, so let’s just head in. Walk in the front door and turn to see Alice, a slightly weathered brunette with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, my usual Saturday morning cashier, and say, “Hey there lady! Ready for the game?”

A quick smile forming around that cigarette as she replies, “You know it! Go get ‘em!” Smiling, I turn straight for the ice, grab a bag and put it under my arm, then turn to the juice section of the cooler. Looks like they are out of my usual pre-game drink. Hmm, maybe there’s some in the cooler that just hasn’t been stocked? I look at Alice and point in the cooler. She just nods and points, then returns to helping the customer at her register, cigarette smoke wafting up around her head.