I made love to my dream girl. Pt2 the fucking finale [mf]

Alright let’s get this story wrapped up. No long prologue this time.

We rejoin our heros right where we left them, her pressed tightly against me as I gently draw circles along her arm. The candle light danced on her skin as I leaned in softly biting at her neck while drinking in the smell of her hair. Her ass pressed firmly against my slowly hardening cock as she begins to grind up and down. The hand that previously was drawing ever complex designs along her arm begins to explore beyond her shoulders. My ever searching fingers brush against her rapidly hardening nipples as I take one between 2 fingers. Rolling it firmly between my fingers she presses harder against my now very erect cock, sandwiching it between her ass and my body.

Brushing her hair out of the way I nibble at her ears while twisting harder on her nipples. Her hand has wandered down between her legs as the moans begin in earnest. With one arm trapped below me I must abandon my efforts on her breast in order to gently brush her hand away. I can feel the intense heat and wetness already present as I move a finger along the length of her vulva. Her hand that was previously busy below has replaced my fingers gently rolling her nipples first one then the other. Her grinding intensifies as I insert a finger into her soaking warm embrace. I start to pick up speed while attempting to free my other arm from beneath her.

The Time I made Love to my Dream Girl [MF]

This is the story of the first time I made love to the woman of my dreams. The story starts several years back when I was renting a room in a house with 5 other roommates. She was the newest roommate, staying in town only for a summer gig. Although we worked the same type of job she worked at a different company during this time. I instantly noticed she was gorgeous of course. She was petite, fit with beautiful brown hair, gorgeous unique facial features, a smile to die for and the most beautiful complex brown eyes I could have lost myself staring into them all night. I, on the other hand, am not the handsome stud of the story. I have “struggled” with weight issues my entire life. (I put struggled in quotes cause to be real I have never really put the effort in to overcome it so it’s not like dieting failed as much as I failed to diet and exercise). I am pretty average height (5’11” for anyone who cares) and besides the weight I would hope not to ugly. Anyway, with my obvious body images issues, upon our first meeting I had very little expectation of anything beyond friends. That first year we hung out some, watched some netflix, and generally were good platonic friends, nothing special. At the end of the summer she moved back home and when she came back for the summer gig the following season got an apartment closer to her work.