Niece and Uncle (M/F)

I’m a 25 female and I started fantasizing about my uncle(40M) about 3-4 years ago. I’m not sure what clicked, I just know I find him very attractive and I’d like to fuck him.

A few things that are important to know:
He’s my uncle on my dad’s side.
He has a wife and 3 kids. (16+)
He lives across the street from me and my family.
He’s known to cheat, even my aunt knows it, but refuses to leave him.
He’s tall, dark, and built.
I’m short, curvy (w/ an ass), and have dark features.

Anyway, I was super horny one night and I knew he didn’t have my number since I never see that side of the family. So, I messaged him. I pretended to be a lady from the gym he goes to first to see if he would even reply back and he did. I let that go on for a while until he asked to see a picture, then I came clean. After I came clean, I expected him to block me, or to simply stop replying, but he didn’t. Instead he became very interested to know how my attraction had started and soon after we were exchanging pictures. Just as I suspected, he was hung, which only made me hornier.