So basically, this starts off with me being incredibly unsatisfied with all aspects of my marriage. Mediocre sex quickly devolved into a DB. When we did have sex I found it increasingly harder and harder to cum. He didn’t do it for me. At all. Not like he was trying either.
Enter R4R. I figured I would give it a shot as my area of residence has pretty slim pickings when it comes to tinder, craigslist, or any of those other sites. At this point, sexual frustration was definitely a player, but that wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. I was looking for somebody who got me. Now, if you’re a [F] an have ever posted on R4R then you know the tidal wave of messages you receive. They just kept coming. Those who could identify with my situation, those who couldn’t, and those who, frankly, didn’t really care. They just wanted to get to know me.
I can’t say exactly what made reply to this one particular message. Maybe is was the photo. Actually, it was probably the photo. Beard, tattoo, silly face. Done. Hi! There was nothing sexual about my post or his message. Nothing was there to hint that we would work the way we did.