Owned – Chapter Five – A lonely mom learns to love enslavement by grown son and his domineering girlfriend … Rape, Incest, Humiliation, (lots of) Forced Orgasms, Drugs, FFM, BDSM, Freeuse, Abuse of Religion, Humor, Long


I sat on the end of my bed Sunday morning watching Melanie go through my dresser drawers picking out what I was going to wear underneath my dress. The dress she had chosen for me was a light cotton, form fitting thing, and even though it covered me neck to knees, was already too revealing for church, so the underwear was going to matter.

Junior and Mel had decided that maybe it would be good for me to reconnect with my community. But I knew they felt nothing but contempt for the church and all the *delusionals* that went, so really it was just another opportunity to humiliate me.

Truth is, I was feeling pretty good about myself from a physical perspective, so part of me kind of wanted to show off. Turns out having a health minded woman around the house has got me in pretty good shape. I was doing okay for someone my age before she came along because I took long walks and was generally health conscious about food. She’s into kale smoothies, though, and intermittent fasting, and all that. So of necessity, I am too.

Owned – Chapter Four – A lonely mom learns to love enslavement by grown son and his domineering girlfriend … Rape, Incest, Humiliation, (lots of) Forced Orgasms, Drugs, FFfM, BDSM, Long

Chapter 4 *- Call Me Abby*

The first time I met Melanie in person was on my back tied to my bed.

Frank Jr. was in my bedroom that morning doing FaceTime with her on the iPad when I came out of the shower in my bathrobe and a towel around my wet hair, telling her to come over and meet his mom. I was confused, both that he had a girl, and because up til then he had been treating this day like one of *those* days: I take some kind of pill he gives me, shower, then surrender utterly to whatever he wants to do to me for as long as he wants to do it. Plus, the restraints and flog were already laid out on my bed.

I never knew for sure which trip I was taking because he never told me. He only made me take the drugs once or twice a week, and never the same one twice because he didn’t want me to develop a tolerance to anything. But after performing my ablutions that morning, I was starting to feel the warm melty edges that made me think it was probably the X, which isn’t as extreme as some of the others.

Owned – Chapter Three – A lonely mom learns to love enslavement by grown son and his domineering girlfriend … Rape, Incest, Humiliation, (lots of) Forced Orgasms, Drugs and Alcohol, FFM, BDSM, Long

Chapter 3 – *X off my Ex*

I met Frank when he was buying X off my ex. Me and Gino had been doing the off and on for about two years, but it was obvious we weren’t going anywhere. Probably the main reason we were still together at that point was because I disliked working more than I disliked fucking him. That’s not fair. He was funny and usually even tempered so I mostly enjoyed his company, but whatever it was we had ended the day Frank Geddis walked into Gino’s apartment looking to score, all big dick energy and youthful swagger.

You could tell right off that he didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground, but in spite of that he seemed sharp for a boy his age. Quick and articulate, which you don’t see a lot of in these parts. Only, I wasn’t interested in his mind just then. You ever meet someone and right away just know that this person matters in your life? I swear if I had had a tail, it woulda been waggin.

Owned – Chapter Two – A lonely mom learns to love enslavement by grown son and his domineering girlfriend … Rape, Incest, Humiliation, (lots of) Forced Orgasms, Alcohol, FFM, BDSM, Long

Chapter 2 – *Against Medical Advice*

I’ll be the first to admit that I have issues. You would too if you grew up like I did. My parents didn’t hit me more than was normal or anything like that, they just let things happen to me that shouldn’t have. Let’s just say that if your kid ends up in a juvenile mental hospital that is actually a work camp run by pedophiles, then you aren’t doing it right.

Am I angry about it? I guess. I’m probably what you would call a volatile personality. But hey, I have fun when I can.

My dad died while I was away at the juvie/bunny ranch, so I never got to thank him personally for having me kidnapped, jailed, worked like a dog, and abused by the staff. It wasn’t even court ordered. He was just sick of my attitude.

To be fair, I was more than handful as a kid, so maybe I deserved something, but no kid deserves to spend his teen years like I did. Imagine your parents just declaring to the world that their child don’t belong in it. Let me tell you, it leaves a mark.

Owned – Chapter One – A lonely mom learns to love enslavement by grown son and his domineering girlfriend … Rape, Incest, Humiliation, (lots of) Forced Orgasms, Drug Use, FFM, BDSM, Long

No one was harmed in the construction of this fantasy.

Chapter 1 – *No Pun Intended*

I may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but I like to think that I’m honest with myself. And according to this book I read on not being a victim, that’s one of the hardest things to do. But for the life of me I can’t figure out why my life is like this, now. Like, do people get what they deserve or is it all just random?

I’m not what you would call religious. Not anymore. I lost my faith when my son began using me for sex. Truth be told, I had always had doubts, but something about being your own son’s sex slave makes it pretty obvious that nobody is looking out for you no matter how good you were for all your damn life.

I think on some level I had always known the church was hogwash, but I believed in God. I guess my being so devoted to the church was my way of showing Him that I was good. And in return He blessed me with a demon child who was never happy and grew up a bully.

ABBY, JUNIOR, MEL, and BERTIE (Part 2) – A mother learns to love enslavement by her troubled son and his domineering girlfriend [M/S Incest] [FFM] [BDSM] [Forced Orgasms] [Rape] [Drug Use]

Part 2 (Chapter 4)

*Call Me Abby*

The first time I met Melanie in person was on my back tied to my bed.

Frank Jr. was in my bedroom that morning doing FaceTime with her on the iPad when I came out of the shower in my bathrobe and a towel around my wet hair, telling her to come over and meet his mom.

I was confused, both that he had a girl, and because up til then he had been treating this day like one of *those* days: I take some kind of pill he gives me, shower, then surrender utterly to whatever he wants to do to me for as long as he wants to do it. Plus, the flog he likes to beat me with was already laid out on my bed.

I never knew for sure which trip I was taking because he never told me. He only made me take the drugs once or twice a week, and never the same one twice because he didn’t want me to develop a tolerance to anything. But after performing my ablutions that morning, I was starting to feel the warm melty edges that made me think it was probably the X, which is my favorite.

ABBY, JUNIOR, MEL, and BERTIE – A mother learns to love enslavement by her troubled son and his domineering girlfriend [Incest] [BDSM] [Forced Orgasms] [Rape] [Drug Use]

*Chapters one through five presented in inverse order*


I sat on the end of my bed Sunday morning watching Melanie go through my dresser drawers picking out what I was going to wear underneath my dress. The dress she had chosen for me was a light cotton, form fitting thing, and even though it covered me neck to knees, was already too revealing for church – so the underwear was going to matter.

Junior and Mel had decided that maybe it would be good for me to reconnect with my community. But I knew they felt nothing but contempt for the church and all the ‘*delusionals*’ that went, so really it was just another opportunity to humiliate me.

Truth is, I was feeling pretty good about myself from a physical perspective, so part of me kind of wanted to show off. Turns out having a health minded woman around the house has got me in pretty good shape.

I was doing okay for someone my age before she came along because I took long walks and was generally health conscious about food. She’s into kale smoothies though, and intermittent fasting and all that. So of necessity, I am too.