I Made My Ex-Girlfriend’s Aunt Cum After Months Of Inappropriate Flirting [MF]

You know how they say your brain doesn’t finish developing until you’re like 25? Well, I fully agree with that assessment because when I was 23-years-old, I did something that was extremely stupid.

At 23-years-old, I had just moved to a new city and my only friend was my girlfriend at the time, Mía. We moved in together after college, which was pretty silly considering we had only been dating for nine months at the time. But we were both wanting to move to the same city and chase similar careers, so it made sense. Plus, rent was crazy expensive, and Mía had an aunt (Claudia) who lived in the area and graciously let us stay rent-free in her spare bedroom.

“You two are doing me a favor, I’m so lonely. I get so bored,” Claudia laughed when we arrived, “I keep talking to my cats, but they don’t ever talk back,” she added. Claudia had a noticeable accent. She spent the first half of her life in Mexico. Mía was actually born there as well, but her and her family moved to the states when she was still a baby.

My Soon-To-Be Stepsister Borrowed My Phone And Found My NSFW Photos [MF]

*”Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together… not CUM together”* — my brain after fucking my soon-to-be stepsister the day before Thanksgiving.

Hello. I’m 27-years-old and come from a broken home. My parents got divorced when I was in high school and my dad moved across the country with a new woman one year later. I hated him for a while. I remember listening to a bunch of “I hate my dad songs” alone in my room. Not understanding the anger I was feeling was actually just pain.

I didn’t talk to him (except for the rare birthday phone call) for several years, but during COVID, we kinda reconnected. He has changed a lot and we started to talk like once a week on the phone. He invited me out to visit him and his new family, but I wasn’t ready for it then, or the following year.

But when he invited me for Thanksgiving 2022, I decided, “Why not?”

I flew across the country and was introduced to his new fiancee (Sara) for the first time. She was 10 years younger than my mom. I wanted to hate her, but she was actually super nice. She seemed to always be smiling. She’s a hairstylist. She’s also divorced and shares one daughter with her ex-husband. And wouldn’t you know it, this daughter was home for the holidays.