The Best Job

Hello there. This is my first post this this subreddit, and one of my older stories. Any critiques or criticism are welcomed.

I have the best job in the world. No, really, I do. I know what you’re thinking. ‘I’m a CEO, and I make millions!’ or, ‘I’m a doctor, and I save lives!’. That may be, but my job’s still better. What’s my job? I’m an executive personal assistant. No, wait, I know it doesn't sound like the best, but I’ll prove it to you. Let me take you through an average day at my job.

Most days begin with me waking up at six o’clock, doing a quick 15-minute workout, and hopping into the shower. From there, I whip up a smoothie for breakfast, get dressed in my suit and tie, and out the door of my spartan apartment by seven, so I can catch the seven forty bus to work.

I know what you’re thinking: ‘Apartment, bus, bah! Rich lifestyle for someone with the “best job in the world”’. And it’s true, lots of other jobs earn more, and it’d be nice to have a car, or a yard, or a 401k worth more than a shoe box, but I’d live on the street to keep this job.