Roadside [M/F]

When there was room, he pulled off to the side of the road, putting the car in park. He reclined his seat, unbuckled his pants and pulled them down, his hard cock springing out.

“Wanna come get it wet first?” he winked at her.
She leaned over to his cock, and began licking up his shaft, slowly, from the bottom to the top and back down and up again. The car shook as other vehicles passed by and there was a warm breeze coming through the windows as she was now licking and sucking at the tip of his cock.

He was breathing heavily now, hand on her head, fingers laced in her hair. She placed her mouth around his cock and bobbed her head up and down, thoroughly coating his dick with her saliva. He pushed her head down further, thrusting himself up, causing her to gag a little as his cock hit the back of her throat.

Categorized as Erotica

Deepthroating A Dildo. [F] [mast]

Been rather enjoying writing erotica. First time writing in first person, was a bit weird at first but not as hard as I thought it’d be. Anyway, hope you enjoy it!

I’ve been horny for days, well it started out just as a minor arousal. Ever since I met this guy at the coffee shop and we had hit it off, I’ve been aching to see him again. It was a slow day for me when he had come in and he was very chatty but seemed to be in a bit of a hurry so he had given me his number before he left. 

I was nervous when I first texted him as we slowly got to know eachother. Now everytime my phone goes off I get excited; just seeing his name pop up makes my pussy tingle. The days have become agonizingly long while I wait for the planned date. Thinking about what I’d love to do when we meet up, makes me wet with anticipation, though I haven’t told him about my fantasies. Each little flirty conversation just increasing my yearning. Though it seems he is always busy when I am not, and not busy when I am and I’ve been having trouble not to be constantly checking my phone while at work.