My History Teacher Part 2 [MF]

Thank you for all your kind messages and comments. I thought it would take me a few days to get this written but I had the house to myself so here we are!

Just to go through a few things that people have been asking. We continued seeing each other for a few years, I’m in my late 20s now married to a wonderful lady (no she doesn’t know), Miss L also got married. We haven’t spoken in about 5 years now, as first she moved to another country and second we didn’t want to fuck up our existing relationships so we ended it. We were both extremely sad that it ended but knew it was the right thing to do. Anyway, on with the story!

As we’re making our way upstairs, she puts an extra sway into her hips and stares back over her, removing her sheer nighty. At this point I’ve stopped, just admiring her nakedness still thinking this was some kind of incredible dream.

My history teacher. [MF]

This was waaaay longer than I thought it would be, skip to ‘sexy time starts here’ if you don’t want the backstory. I promised to never tell a soul this story but it’s been years since it happened so I figured why not? All consensual. Everyone over 18.

So this story happened when I was 18 and just starting my A-levels in the UK. I was starting them a bit late as I had done an apprenticeship which was actually really dull. Luckily, I was in touch with a few friends from school who had failed their courses and I was able to go back and study my A-levels there. Turned out to be an excellent decision!

After getting over the initial hellos with all my old teachers and friends who I hadn’t seen in a few years, I got my timetable and noticed my history teacher was Miss L. I asked who she was and my friends said she’d joined this year like me so no-one knew what she looked like. If any of my previous teachers were to go by, she’d be a miserable 60 year old who hated teaching!

Helping with a cough! [MF]

First post and on mobile so I’m sorry if the formatting is a bit off.

Back when we were horny university students (19), me and the now wife discovered a natural way to get rid of her cough. I can remember the first time as clear as day!

“Fancy a quickie?” I asked playfully, running my hand up her top while watching some god awful chick flick.

“Not today, I’ve got a really bad cough. I’ve taken everything under the sun and I still can’t shake it,” she replied patting my hand away.

Not wanting her to suffer, I was quickly onto Google searching for ‘natural’ ways to get rid of a cough. Funnily enough, sex was on there because of some chemical in your body. I don’t often disagree with science so I shared these exciting findings. She still seemed hesitant.

“How about I just go down on you while you carry on watching TV?” I asked with a glint in my eye. Now, she normally hated me eating her out as she feels really self conscious because of a previous relationship (if you’re reading this Mark, fuck you).