When in confinement…, do as confined people do? [MF]

This is a story about how I (F, 28) fucked my neighbor from across the street (M, 29) because we were in confinement and got bored. Scroll way down past the *** to get to the fun part, or bear with me for a juicy back story, and weeks of building up tension.

I met Henri on my first day of work. I started a new job a few months into the pandemic, and I only ever went to the office once, to get my IT equipment and badge. Henri started the same day as me, in a different business unit. We exchanged a few words of small talk as we were waiting in front of the building. He was dressed sharply and caught my attention straight away. His dark, full hair, his beard, that I could only see parts of as we were wearing masks, and his athletic body distracted me from the get-go of our conversation, and so I don’t remember what we talked about that day. I do remember my surprise though when we walked to the metro station, and realized we were not only going to the same stop, but actually almost to the same place. We were both new to the city and had somehow ended up on the same street.