For those into non-fiction nsfw. Aliens, monsters, fantasy, sci-fi and more.

First I’m struggling to find any decent subreddits to chat on for this topic, all of them are just for posting pictures, if you have any suggestions please let me know.

Second, if you are looking to dive into these topics feel free to DM me. I have a thing for a lot of scenes on this topic but I want to hear if you like something I never heard of or discuss something we share an interest for.

Restless Warmth [F25] [Fantasy] [Non Con] [Pregnancy] [Monster] [Dark]

Warning: Graph scene, read at your own discretion.

Normally my day starts off with the sound of an alarm but this morning I woke in a sudden sweat, why, did I have a bad dream? No, it was something else, maybe I was coming down with something. Still, I have a few hours before I need to be up and the sun is just peaking through the window. My heart is pounding. Why, I don’t understand, why do I feel like I am being watched? The feeling of vulnerability overwhelms me as I sit in my bed, the dark surrounds me, I’m hot but I cover my body with my blanket regardless. I just need some water, that’s all, cold and calming. Throwing off the blanket, only covered in a black thong and an old white T, making a few steps before I trip.

“Ah fuck” yelling out as I crash to the ground.