[M] Caugh driving my bike naked

I was thinking in doing this for a long time, so last summer I had the opportunity. It was midnight and I was horny at home. I took the helmet and put on the sneakers, a tshirt and my favorites summer shorts and a cockring.

I started the bike and drove to a secondary road, parallel to the motorway and just separated by a fence. When I arrived I removed all my clothes except the helmet and hid it behind a tree where nobody could see it. Then I got on the bike and drove slowly. The feeling of the fresh night air in my nude smooth body was so good and my hard cock was thinking the same. I pass in front of a pub, but nobody was outside and nobody saw me. While I was driving with one hand, I was massaging my pennis with the other to keep the erection. Then I pass a small warehouse where people was working inside with the gates open, I think they could see a naked man but no details.