[MF] A Tinder match turns out being the best fuck I’ve ever had [Long]

This story took place a few years ago when I was 24, but it’s one that I constantly think about. Sitting down and thinking about all of the details of my time together with this girl gets me so worked up. Hell, I’m in a relationship now and I still find myself regularly going back to this girl’s photos and memories when I’m masturbating. This is my first story, so please, bear with me.

I had always had mixed results on Tinder. I got a few dates out of it, one or two lays maybe, but nothing to write home about. Part of that probably has to do with my looks – I’m 6’4″ with an average build and an incredibly average face (maybe a 6 on a good day). I am fairly well endowed and know how to please a woman, but that’s not exactly something you can broadcast on a dating platform without sounding like a jackass. This was something that worked out to my advantage in college – being in a fraternity, word got around quick within the sororities regarding who in each frat was worth fucking. After I graduated, however, you could say the honeypot ran out. Thus, Tinder.