The first time I felt her [F]ingers in me [F]

Finally weekend!!

Clara and I had been watching a series called “The Act” together and because it was finally weekend we could carry on watching. “Movie night tonight at my place? I’ve got the snacks.” She agreed.

She came over to me and greeted the rest of the family in my house.
Little background… I’m living with my ex, yes I know, weird, and to accelerate the weirdness his sister and her sons are also staying with us. So yes, house full of people in a 1.5 bedroom apartment.

Anyway back to the movie night, we had gotten into bed, laptop on my lap and Clara a few inches from my skin.

She smelled so good.

I tried to keep myself tame throughout the story and people were passing through the room every now and again as the main bathroom was in our bedroom.
After a few episodes we both got comfortable and again we grabbed at each others hands.
We played with each others fingers and tickled each others palms.
All under the blanket because if what we were doing was known, there would be hell to pay.

Myself [F] and Clara [F]

Music blaring, blankets and a nice cool wind was our setting that gorgeous Saturday evening.  The stars above us and mere pieces of clothing between us.
We decided to have a picnic in our garden with snacks and music, we just came off work and felt we deserved the break away even if it was in our yard.
We ended up staying the night out under the stars lying and listening to music.
So to give you some background Clara and I have been friends for about a year by this time and she was only a year younger then me, me 23 and her 22 in a few months. Her mother is my boss and we live in the same yard, them in the main house and us in the apartment at the back. (Yeah I know what you’re thinking whhyyyy lol)