[MF] She showed up at my summer job…

There I was, years ago, home from sophomore or junior year of college for the summer, working for a few months at my old high school job at a retail / convenience store. School was about three hours from home. The girl I was seeing, off and on, lived closer to my home than she did to our college, but still about an hour away. And we weren’t in regular daily contact over the summer.

Ok. There I am, stocking shelves in an extremely attractive retail style vest, probably counting the minutes until I could go home. Suddenly I hear footsteps coming down the aisle, I look up and… it’s her. I had no idea she was in town, but she knew where I worked and this wasn’t an accident.

How did I know it wasn’t an accident? Well, she wasn’t in the kind of makeup and clothes she liked to wear out at a bar, but it was also not what you’d put on just for a trip to pick up cotton balls and razors, if you’re following me. Makeup and a nice tan and this tight brown top with a deep v with a ruffle…