How To Train Your Seelie (His Side) [MF][BDSM][Violent]

You text me while I’m in my office, and while I’m always happy to see your texts, I was especially grateful for a distraction from my day. Our conversation was short, just the average check in, but I could tell by your choice of words that a need had been building in you for a release. I’ve learned to read you, recognize the subtle signs.

I take a few moments to make my plans before texting you again, “I will pick you up from work tomorrow. I want you to be wearing a simple dress, bra, panties, stockings and heels. All black. Do not worry about dinner. I will take care of it after.” Your reply was simple, “Yes sir.” I could sense the relief and excitement I was certain was on your face.

I arrive outside your work at 6:00 PM, find you waiting for me, dressed as I had instructed. I kiss you, short, passionate, familiar, delightful, then I drive us to a 5-star hotel, get two bags out of the back of the car, and without saying a word, escort you up to one of the suites on the top floor.

Preface: On The Wind-Swept Cliffs of Cloudlid Mountains (Fantasy)[MF]

“Pay attention to what you are doing, you blunderous auroch’ Aurora Goodekin hissed at her companion, as he applied a poultice to the wound on her thigh.

            “Of course, your Dameship” Sammeal Hargrove responded sarcastically, as he daubed the healing balm into the arrow wound. He used the title Dameship as a weapon, to intentionally spite the young half-elf maiden sitting in front of him, knowing she would never be able to claim the formal title of a Paladin for herself. “But know the Gnolls have been known to coat their arrows in black serpent venom in order to finish the victims they don’t kill outright.” He continued to massage her alabaster upper thigh, partially to get the mixture of herbs saturated into the wound, partially for his own enjoyment. “I don’t need you passing out on our way through Three Dagger Pass if we are going to try to ambush the remaining Gnolls.”

The Friendly Next Door Neighbor (Part 2)[MF][Breeding]

One quiet early morning you innocently step outside in your pajamas to take out the trash, your husband and little one sleeping in their respective beds. I’m watching you from next door, shirtless, wearing just exercise pants, admiring the sleek curves of your body under your clothes, the gracefulness of how you move, the swagger in your hips. You see me watching you, and I give you the “come now” finger gesture, the subtle but strong indication you need to do your breeding duty with me, here and now.

*“Are you serious?” I hiss at you when I get within touching range. “I’m gonna have to tell my husband to take over trash duties if you keep harassing me when I’m taking it out…”*

*But inside I’m secretly excited…*

As soon as you are in reach, I grab you by the back of the head, a big handful of your long, beautiful dark hair and pull you into the house. We don’t have time for your sassy mouth, but I give you a quick, forceful kiss, and slam the door behind me.

“Pull down your pants, bend over, spread yourself”

Welcome to the New Kink

Here’s one of my favorites.

There was knock at my backdoor one evening, a shy, hesitant tapping at the glass door, almost a bit seductive. The kind of tapping that makes you check yourself in the mirror before you see who’s behind the tapping. It was the polite young neighbor from down the block. She looked like she’s been crying about something, so I escorted her inside, give her a fleeting hug, my hand placed on the small of her back, that delicate dip between her ribs and her curvy, shapely backside, and lead her to the couch.

I handed her a drink, a simple gin and tonic, and listened to her story intently, but it’s one I’ve heard countless times before, and it’s both heartbreaking and a siren’s call to me. How her and her husband are struggling to start a family, timing their love making to her cycles, saving it up for exactly the right moments, reading all the literature, yet nothing ever flowers. How the doctors and the experts, with their degrees and expensive tests and more expensive tests, can’t find the answer, always have no concrete answers, but more tests. How if her husband thinks he’s the problem, he’ll die, feel emasculated, and how she feels so helpless, but she has the urge to just do . . . *something*. She looked at me imploringly, silently begging me to make the first move.