My submissive Alexandria Ocasio Cortez stories :)

First of all i want to say, i dont really hate AOC. This is just roleplaying/fantasy.

Last time i made a post with my story a few of you were offended and others had to send me a DM to express how much you enjoyed it so thanks :)

Anyway in my stories, i like to write AOC as a submissive and even a bit shy person. I also like to incorporate raceplay and other degrading things :)

Pleaase if you can provide feedback on the chyoa website or here on Reddit that would be great because it keeps me interested in writing. Any ideas and tips are welcomed.

Thank you :)

Here is my “AOC goes to a univeristy” story (recommended for younger men)


And my “AOC goes to an immigration detention center”. (Recommended for older men)


Alexandria Ocasio Cortes gets taken advantage off. [short story]

Hi! Please let me know what you think of my first erotic story. I love AOC.

Tips are welcomed, and so are ideas. I plan on writing a part 2…maybe?




AOC is a recently elected congresswoman but she is not your typical politician. Alexandria was still fairly young. She was a slender brown Latina woman and was now in the spotlight of the entire country ever since her far leftist ideas began to pick up traction amongst the liberals.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes was visiting a republican majority university campus to present a speech on a new pro environmentally friendly program that she titled, the Green new deal, a plan that was of course strongly opposed by her right-wing opponents. After her hour-long speech in front of hundreds of attendees, a group of five students who belonged to the university’s republican club asked to meet with her to discuss her policies in more detail. AOC wasn’t the type of girl to back down from a debate – not even against those conservatives who cruelly hated her. Anyway, if she could help convert republican kids to agree with her, it would be a win and so she agreed. Little did she realize however, just how different things would turn out.