The first time I (22/M) made my ex squirt (20/F) (and also how we fell for each other) [FM]

Preface: Just want to say I surprised by the response to [my first story]( I mostly wrote it so I didn’t have to replay the events in my head every other week to keep them up to date (yeah, just to keep them up to date, no other reason…) and I’d have it in a place where it wouldn’t go away and so in 20 years I can go back and read it again. Storyteller first, pervert second… so another story… this one is about Lisa, and it’s from about 18 months before my first story. Also, I’ve got a habit of being attracted to women who challenge me — I love being under a thumb, what can I say?

I guess I forgot to mention much about myself. I’m 6’6″, dark hair, a lean build (well, I had one before quarantining since mid-March, wear a fucking mask, people) and while I’m white, I’ve got a light olive-ish complexion. In cabs at night, I’m often asked if I’m North African or Lebanese — I’m very much a European mutt: mostly Irish, English, Polish, and some old Eastern Bloc countries too, but this is what genetics have dealt me. What I’m saying is that I tan very well for a tall white guy who can’t hoop.

I (24M) fucked my long-time crush after she (23F) teased me from 3,500 miles away. [FM]

(Sorry the intro is long, but I’m a storyteller first and a pervert second. Also, I’m an American who lived in London for five years, so I mix my American and British slang and terminology. If you’re British don’t get mad at me for saying ‘mates’ or ‘Uni’ when I only use that to refer to my time in London but still use American slang elsewhere. I get enough grief from my family about this in the other direction “ohhhh, you went to ‘uni’ with your ‘mates’.” Good grief.)

I’m an American who went to do his Uni undergrad in London (this story is almost a decade old). It was the best decision I ever made — spent five years there, and I loved every minute of it (I took a victory lap year because…why not? I got my visa extended.). I was dating this one girl at the end of my fourth year who I thought was “the one”. Lisa was Irish, brilliant, red-headed, chaotic, beautiful, a little troubled, and extremely outgoing and adventurous (both in and outside the bedroom, though this story isn’t about her, I have fifty public sex stories about us, and holy shit was she a squirter). (Sue me, I like using parentheses.)