Welcome to England [M+F]

We met at the pub opposite your hotel. I’d thought you’d be staying closer to the airport for a quicker journey back there the next morning and so hadn’t realised you were staying so close to the city centre; as such it was a pleasant surprise when you leant in close and breathed those two short sentences into my ear – “Call him. Let’s go” – accompanied by a quick playful nip on my earlobe. I stood up from my bar stool as you hopped down from yours and offered you my arm. My other hand tapped out Ed’s number and as we eased our way through the hot crush of bodies between us and the door, I spoke quickly to my friend.

“Ashley’’s here mate – we’re just leaving the bar now. We’re heading to…” I turned to you as we stepped onto the street and asked “Where’s your hotel?”.

A smile spreads over your face, lips parting briefly as you gesture across the road. I stifle my surprise and let him know – “Uh, it’s the Victoria Hotel, Ed. How soon can you get over?”. You lead us across the road as I end the call. You march us straight past the desk and over to the lift, briefly lifting a hand from your pocket to show me the keycard you’d kept rather than hand in before you left to meet me barely an hour earlier.

Your early morning treat [M+F]

“Morning love”

Your eyes flicker open at his greeting, and the crisp bright light streaming through the slatted blinds momentarily dazzles. As you adjust to the winter sunshine your other half’s mischievous grin slowly draws to a focus.

“Sleep well hun?”

“Mrmmh-huh”. It’s about all you can manage; it feels unnaturally early to be awake for a weekend and your head hasn’t quite caught up with the reality of the resumption of consciousness.

“Whysosmiley?” The words come rolled into one long murmur. “S’too early.”

You stir and shift slightly, tugging the duvet up under your chin and wriggle closer into his body. In the warm haze radiating from his body – tightly cuddled up against you – you can feel his arm over your side and his cock, taut and hot, pressing against your stomach. The penny starts to fall and the sudden twitch of your inner thighs tells you that you’re not so sleepy that his morning wood is completely unwelcome.

Shifting again to run a hand down his back, you realise the grin is still on his face and widening rapidly.

The boardroom [MF]

The boardroom is still crowded when you arrive, my team trickling out in ones and twos as they make their way back to their offices before heading home for the day. It’s been a long day and I’m certain they’ll all be glad to be able to turn their laptops off, grab their coats and walk out into the early evening sunshine. One brunette, quietly slipping through the fire exit and waiting silently at the end of the corridor is easy for them to miss, wrapped up as they are in the calls and clinic appointments of the day. The evening team huddle is supposed to reduce the take-home stress that we’re all feeling at the minute – but it’s pretty ineffectual.

Turning some of the strip lights off to reduce the glare on the off-white walls, I don’t hear you enter the room and step up behind me. As a result, I nearly leap out of my skin when your hands cover my eyes, asking me to “Guess whoooo?!” with a cheerful lilt to your voice.

Categorized as Erotica

A planned encounter [MMF]

We met at the pub opposite your hotel. I’d thought you’d be staying closer to the airport for a quicker journey back there the next morning and so hadn’t realised you were staying so close to the city centre; as such it was a pleasant surprise when you leant in close and breathed those two short sentences into my ear – “Call him. Let’s go” – accompanied by a quick playful nip on my earlobe. I stood up from my bar stool as you hopped down from yours and offered you my arm. My other hand tapped out Ed’s number and as we eased our way through the hot crush of bodies between us and the door, I spoke quickly to my friend.

“Ashley’’s here mate – we’re just leaving the bar now. We’re heading to…” I turned to you as we stepped onto the street and asked “Where’s your hotel?”.

A smile spreads over your face, lips parting briefly as you gesture across the road. I stifle my surprise and let him know – “Uh, it’s the Victoria Hotel, Ed. How soon can you get over?”. You lead us across the road as I end the call. You march us straight past the desk and over to the lift, briefly lifting a hand from your pocket to show me the keycard you’d kept rather than hand in before you left to meet me barely an hour earlier.

Your early morning treat [FM+M][oral]

“Morning love”

Your eyes flicker open at his greeting, and the crisp bright light streaming through the slatted blinds momentarily dazzles. As you adjust to the winter sunshine your other half’s mischievous grin slowly draws to a focus. “Sleep well hun?”

“Mrmmh-huh”. It’s about all you can manage; it feels unnaturally early to be awake for a weekend and your head hasn’t quite caught up with the reality of the resumption of consciousness.

“Whysosmiley?” The words come rolled into one long murmur. “S’too early.”

You stir and shift slightly, tugging the duvet up under your chin and wriggle closer into his body. In the warm haze radiating from his body – tightly cuddled up against you – you can feel his arm over your side and his cock, taut and hot, pressing against your stomach. The penny starts to fall and the sudden twitch of your inner thighs tells you that you’re not so sleepy that his morning wood is completely unwelcome. Shifting again to run a hand down his back, you realise the grin is still on his face and widening rapidly.

“Wha’ so funny?”