The Tribe of Kundala: The Wedding ritual. (Incest) (Father-daughter) (Tribal) (Gangbang)

(All characters are 18+)

Weddings in Kundala differ from weddings in the west and other cultures quite starkly. While a wedding in the west may represent the unity of two souls. A wedding in Kundala is symbolic ritual that shows a father passing on the ownership of his daughter to a man he trusts. Of course, whether the father wants to pass on his daughter or not is a choice that is entirely his. He can keep her as his sole breeding vessel for the rest of his life if he wishes.

However, if he chooses to marry her off, this doesnt mean the fathers rights do not still apply to her. If a father visits his daughters home it is considered disrespectful not to greet the man who raised you with your mouth around his member and eventually your womanhood as well. As long as he is there his authority outweighs her husbands authority and the daughter must oblige to anything he says. The Kundali have great respect for their elders within their culture so this is seen as only right.

The Taboo traditions of the Kundali tribe. (Incest) (Mom/Son) (Father/Daughter) (Tribal) (Non-Con) (World-building)

(All characters are 18+)

Deep in the far corner of the globe their exists a tribe thats considered barbaric by the western world and the nations that surround it. They are a tribe of warriors that have withstood the test of the time. Some say they are a relic of the past that must be stomped out of existence, others lower their heads to them in both fear and respect.

This tribe is known as the tribe of Kundal. A tribe where every male is trained from a young age to become a lethal warrior, and every female is trained to serve the sexual needs of the men who own them. The men of Kundal are known far and wide as legendary warriors. Striking fear in the fear in the hearts of anyone who comes across their imposing figures. The women are treasured by men across all the other tribes and the rest of the world. Their bodies coveted as rare trophies that are trained in the art of providing pleasure. Before they are married they are owned by their fathers. Who are the first men to take their bodies and train them before finding them husbands that fit their expectations.