How my boyfriend and I had sex without having sex [MF]

[This story is a bit different than most of the ones in this sub, it’s less sexual and more emotional. It might fit better in r/gonewholesomestories, but I hope people here enjoy it too. Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of sexy details. Scroll down to *sex starts here* to skip the backstory]

When I met my boyfriend last summer, I’d been dealing with a condition called vulvodynia for over a year. That’s basically a catch all term for “something is wrong with your vagina but it’s not an infection and we don’t really know what it is or how to cure it.” I’ll spare you the details but one of the main symptoms was pain during penetration. Meaning, no sex. It was incredibly emotionally and psychologically difficult to go through as I saw different doctors, none of whom really helped.

Despite this, I still wanted to date a bit, I figured I would just be upfront about the situation and stick to making out and non penetrative activities. I wasn’t really looking for a real relationship, partly because I assumed my pussy being closed for business would be a dealbreaker.

The time I [f]ucked 4 guys in one week

This past winter I went through a very fun and slutty period. Prior to that fall I would say I’d been pretty sexually repressed for a variety of reasons. When I finally felt ready to explore casual sex in the way I’d always wanted to, it was really fun and exhilarating to meet up with different dudes from Tinder. And looking back, I’m glad I had that very free couple of months before the lockdown started and all sex ended.

In January I ended up having sex with 4 guys in a one week period, which is a lot and (probably!) not something I’ll ever do again. Guys number 1 and 4 were both people I’d been seeing casually. Guy number 3 was someone I’d been texting and planning to meet for a while and this was the best opportunity. Guy number 2 was more spur of the moment and probably the sluttiest situation so far. About me, I’m in my early 20s, medium height/weight, dark hair and eyes, DD tits. I’d say I’m fairly attractive, and maybe give off a bit of a “good girl” vibe…which is not always the case, as evidenced by the whole “fucking 4 guys in one week” situation. One more thing – you might notice that I don’t mention my own orgasm in any of these stories. I tend to get in my own head and have a really hard time cumming with a partner (I think a lot of women have this issue unfortunately). It’s frustrating but I still enjoy sex a lot. As you’ll see…