Finding a Place (Part 2): Discovery [Incest] [MF]

This story takes place in a world with simple magic – more akin to advanced medicine than magic. Think potions, not fireballs. Otherwise it’s just like our world. All characters are 18 or older.

[Part 1](

—–Ch. 1—–

I showered.

For a while.

I didn’t even realize how long it was, I was too busy thinking. Contemplating. Considering what the hell had just happened.

Like… seriously. What the hell happened?

That was real, right? Suzie and I? I just…

With my cousin?

Eventually I decided to get out. I wasn’t sure what the consequences for what just happened were, but if it was real, I couldn’t really take it back. Was that okay?

Whatever. I need to go to bed, it’s getting incredibly late.

Speaking of bed. Where is it? Sarah showed me to a room when we first got here, but Suzie led me down to the bathroom and I was a little lost in thought. I have no idea where I am in the house now.

I can just text Suzie and ask her to show me to my room.

With my phone.

Finding a Place (Part 1): Reconnecting [Incest] [MF]

This story takes place in a world with simple magic – more akin to advanced medicine than magic. Think potions, not fireballs. Otherwise it’s just like our world. All characters are 18 or older.

—–Ch. 1—–

It was finally here. High school graduation was past us. The world had opened up. The real world was just a summer away.

My name is Alex. Recent high school graduate. I still wasn’t certain what to do with my life now. I didn’t really like the idea of going back to school, but I had applied to some colleges regardless, accepted one, was ready to go study computer science or engineering or something, but I just hadn’t felt that passionate about it. Not yet, at least.

I wasn’t the best student in high school, but I wasn’t an idiot. A combination of laziness and depression, maybe. I played soccer for a semester, and practiced with the track team, so I was in shape. I wasn’t the star athlete in the slightest, I mostly did it for exercise and to help with my depression. My mom knew I was struggling a little with my direction in life, so at my graduation party she suggested something –