[MF] Mature and lonely moms need love too.

If you have read my previous post, you know a little about me. When I was growing up, I got into a shit tonne of trouble, but it was mostly just me trying to feel alive, while I was stone cold dead inside. This edginess seemed to attract a wide variety of girls and women and I thought it was my wit and intelligence that gave me the charm, but looking back, I realize that the women were probably just attracted to me because I looked very much like Taylor Lautner and had a very similar physique (Yes, I have photos to prove) which some women find attractive. It is important for the context of the story that you know this information.

When I was in high school, I worked in many different skilled labour jobs, and most of them required heavy manual labour. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was getting a fantastic workout and by the time I was twenty, when this story took place, I had a very defined and muscular build.

[MF] Cheating by accident

I tried posting here before. I keep screwing it up, but first time posting here.

Warning, very long, maybe mild by some people’s standards.

When I was twenty five, I had an unexpected call from a girl I dated in high school. She was very attractive, but no one gave her the time of day because she dressed conservatively and lacked confidence, so she never flirted. Ironically, we met at a christian youth camp, and because we were young, and she was very innocent, all we did all week at camp was play board games, talk and kiss a little. I had a lot more experience than she did but she was actually a very cool and interesting girl with an understated body. AKA, she was skinny and had great curves but small breasts, another reason the young dumb popular kids didn’t pay much attention to her. What she had were incredibly perky and sensitive, as I found out later.