First Post: Go Easy….The Bar.

It was a cold wet fall evening, nothing extraordinary about it, just a standard evening
You decided to head to a bar, get some drinks in you and try and forget the world for a few hours.

Upon arriving to your local, which was quieter than usual, you remove your coat and order your drinks.

As time goes on you notice someone you haven’t seen before, looking up, catching his eye, but acting shy looking away quickly.

I walk across, introduce myself and ask if I can buy you a drink. You agree and after exchanging pleasantries, continue to sink a few drinks down, but not so much that we’re bladdered. As time goes on, we’re both enjoying ourselves, I suggest we get out of there. You agree and we go to leave, but realise you no longer have your coat.

I would have offered you mine, but I don’t wear jackets. We’re walking back and can’t help but see you’re cold, and now very wet due to the weather, your nipples fully erect and visible through your sodden top.
I’m slightly aroused looking at them.