[MF] Freeuse Fucking in the South Bay

I recently made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/losangelespersonals/comments/12sgshr/32_m4f_torrance_freeuse_tonight/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) looking for someone into free use.

One girl immediately responded, sent over some pics (she was half Asian half Latina I think) and said she was free that night and had a place all to herself.

We quickly verified and shared test results. We continued chatting as time got closer and ultimately decided to meet in public first at a store. (I won’t say which one)

She was already shopping when I got there, so I got to roam the store for a bit searching. I found her back in the shoe area wearing this sexy little crop top and leggings that perfectly outlined her ass.

I slid up to her with a witty comment and told her to keep looking at shoes for a few minutes. (She had already let me know she lived around the corner and we could walk there together)

We immediately hit it off and felt comfortable making fun of the weird shoes she was picking out. As she reached up to a higher shelf, I glanced around to make sure nobody was in our aisle, then slid a hand under her top for a moment, letting her know how this was going to go. She froze but soon relaxed and just kept on pulling the shoebox off the shelf.

[MF] Coworker Story – It FINALLY Happened

Disclaimer: this actually happened last weekend, I shit you not. I’m still processing it, so bear with me…

TLDR: Uber long buildup story to my sexy coworker experiencing my BD.

THE SETUP: I [M30] started work at my current company last year around the same time as Heather (not her real name) [F24]. We don’t work closely, but our departments do interact, causing us to have to communicate regularly in person and in meetings.

I’m the quiet brooding type, but friendly to everyone I work with. I’m tall (6’2) and have been told I look a lot like Matt Bomer (from the show white collar) especially the hair. I do have a nice clean beard going right now. I’m also a dad and have a certain set of life experiences most people I work with don’t, so I’m kinda viewed at the “dad” of the office.

Heather immediately got my attention with her platinum blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. She’s about 5’8 and comes from good stock (I later found out) and has the private school education to go with it. And she’s fit. I’m talking <5% body fat. She does have a generous ass and she rocks it. I’m no measurement expert, but I’d say she’s about a 38C as well; a generous handful for my large hands.