[FM][Mdom]The time I fucked Cynthia from the GEICO Commercial

I was just a regular guy. I had gotten a job in a new city programming computers and I bought a house in the subdivision. It was my habit to buy a house in whatever city I moved to, and keep the old house and rent it out. I had ridden a nice wave of appreciating home values and goot rental markets and was buying a house in a very nice neighborhood.

Once I moved in I realized that the HOA was a little too involved. After the incident with cutting down the Jamesons’ mailbox? I was starting to get worried.

Cynthia had come by for a very tense “introduction” and I had seen her at a party but other than that I had only seen the official emails from the HOA which were always full of the blandest news imaginable.

A few days after the mailbox incident, Cynthia knocked on my door. I had been doing a new home workout routine so I was wearing loose workout clothes and just my socks. She was wearing her usual cardigan, long skirt, and hair band.