Before I Left [MF]

It was a couple of weeks before I left for bootcamp and it was the stone age of social media.  A girl I had gone to high school with had contacted me via Myspace. Apparently she had a crush on me and wanted to spend some time with me before I went off to explore the world. 

Being that I was otherwise unattached I agreed. We went on some dates and hung out for those few weeks.  We had a ton of fun, her family even took me out to their cabin for a day of boating, fishing and food. I went water skiing for the first time that day. Well she needed to go to work the next day so didn’t stay the weekend with her family and she drove us home. 

It was just me and her at her house. While we were at her house she confided to me that she was a virgin and she was wanting me to be her first. I was touched and very much turned on. We retired to her bedroom.