I [F18] [F] have been been secretly sleeping with a rich exchange student for money

sooooo i haven’t told anyone in my real life this, but i’m gonna say it here because i want ppl to know my story and wanna share it. basically, i’m a college freshman and in my english class there is a Chinese exchange student who has flirted with me since basically day one of college lol, i always rejected him cause he isn’t necessarily my type, butttt i did give him my number mostly just to ask him for homework related questions.

we would text pretty often about other shit and he was always flirting with me but i kept denying him, until one day he asked how much to have sex with me. the question was so blunt i thought it was a joke so i replied $1000 (half jokingly) and to my surprise he said “no problem” and proceeded to send me $1000 over zelle. i was so taken aback because i thought there was no way he would actually do that, i knew he had money because he always wore designer clothes, rolex, etc etc, but still i didn’t expect him to do that.

I [f] 18 Let A Complete Stranger Fuck Me At a College Football Game

So I live in a big college football town with our team being in the SEC, so naturally our school has a huge tailgating & football scene and I’m at more games than I am not. One particular game I was at towards the end of the season my freshman year of college I went by myself because my sorority sisters flaked and partied the rest of the day instead. At half time I left my seat to go buy a water because it gets hot as fuck in the stadium and on my way to buy the water, a boy (I didn’t even ask his age he was def older than me tho, maybe a junior/senior) walks out of the bathroom and looks at me and says “Wow you are hot as fuck I would fuck the shit out of you.” He was evidently wasted, but I had also been drinking quite a bit during day and was still quite wasted myself from the mornings tailgates and something in my head just told me to say “Okay, so fuck me.” He looked at me like he saw a ghost, I don’t think he actually expected a reply because it was such a crude opening but alcohol brings out the whore in me to the max. After staring at me for a second he says “Bet let me get your number I’ll get you after the game.” I almost did it but I was feeling brave and said “No. Fuck me here & now or I’m going back to watch the game.” To be honest I was nervous as fuck after saying this and was half expecting him to say fuck no and walk away, but he just grabbed my hand we started walking. We found a secluded hallway in the stadium with a storage room that was unlocked it was a really small room and it mostly just contained cleaning supplies, but we got to business regardless.